(0.2) up to date : no webfrontend : blue screen only

  • Hello

    I've installed yaVDR 0.2 from ISO and made :
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
    apt-get dist-upgrade

    All is working except the web frontend.

    When I ask the IP or yaVDR it answers with a blue scree : no menu, no option to configure
    So I can't configure my remote and S3

    If get the source code i've :

    Salon : Dual Core E5400@2.7Ghz - 2 Go - 320 Go - TT3200-S2 - Phoenix Infinity - NEC 3550 - Papst - yaVDR 0.3 - TV Samsung 46S870 - Telco Harmony 885

    Chambre : Zotac MAG HD ND-01 - yaVDR 0.3 - Télco HFX - TV SAMSUNG 32R86BD

    Edited once, last by multinet (September 26, 2010 at 3:07 PM).

  • Probably a browser problem (which one?).
    Any security plugin/addon installed (e.g. Noscript)?


    DVB-T: Siemens M740AV, vdr-firmware von open7x0.org
    DVB-S: Samsung SMT-7020 mit zenslack
    DBV-S2: Eigenbau (Zotac IonItx-G, 2*DigitalDevices Duoflex an Octopus miniPCIe, yavdr-0.5, root auf Samsung SSD, video.00 auf Samsung 2,5"-640GB)

    Wer alkoholfreies Bier trinkt, wählt auch kompetenzfreie Politiker [frei nach Volker Pispers]

  • I use FIREFOX (last release) on iMac
    it's same on SAFARI

    my other yaVDR (unstable release) is responding corretly with these browsers

    i've not security plugin installed

    Salon : Dual Core E5400@2.7Ghz - 2 Go - 320 Go - TT3200-S2 - Phoenix Infinity - NEC 3550 - Papst - yaVDR 0.3 - TV Samsung 46S870 - Telco Harmony 885

    Chambre : Zotac MAG HD ND-01 - yaVDR 0.3 - Télco HFX - TV SAMSUNG 32R86BD

    Edited once, last by multinet (September 26, 2010 at 3:44 PM).

  • Can yaVDR team bring help ?

    Salon : Dual Core E5400@2.7Ghz - 2 Go - 320 Go - TT3200-S2 - Phoenix Infinity - NEC 3550 - Papst - yaVDR 0.3 - TV Samsung 46S870 - Telco Harmony 885

    Chambre : Zotac MAG HD ND-01 - yaVDR 0.3 - Télco HFX - TV SAMSUNG 32R86BD

  • Hello

    when I make apt-get remove yavdr-utils i've an error !

    (can't paste the whole text here unfortunatly)

    ps: javascript is enabled

    Salon : Dual Core E5400@2.7Ghz - 2 Go - 320 Go - TT3200-S2 - Phoenix Infinity - NEC 3550 - Papst - yaVDR 0.3 - TV Samsung 46S870 - Telco Harmony 885

    Chambre : Zotac MAG HD ND-01 - yaVDR 0.3 - Télco HFX - TV SAMSUNG 32R86BD

    Edited once, last by multinet (September 27, 2010 at 1:12 PM).

  • 1) Did you use the script untie-packages at some point in the past?

    2) Please try:
    sudo apt-get install --reinstall yavdr-utils

    Possible reasons for the problem:

    3) Please check if these packages are installed or if packages that yavdr-utils depends on are missing (broken package dependencies?)


    4) Please post /var/log/tntnet/tntnet.log via pastebin and check syslog for tntnet segfaults.


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