Hallo zusammen,
ich hab das Problem das ich unter Linux mit meinem hd44780 kompatiblen Display nichts angezeigt bekomme.
Linux ist ein gentoo mit 2.4.23er Kernel
Der LCDd startet ohne zu meckern, auch # /etc/init.d/lcdproc start macht er ohne zu murren. Aber anzeigen tut er nichts. Das Display funktioniert unter WinXP, also daran liegt es nicht.
Das Display ist am paralell Port angeschlossen.
hier mal die confs: (sorry für den elendlangen Text)
# This file contains the configuration for the LCDd server.
# The format is ini-file-like. It is divided into sections that start at
# markers that look like [section]. Comments are all line-based comments,
# and are lines that start with '#' or ';'.
# The server has a 'central' section named [server]. Further each driver
# has a section which defines how the driver acts.
# The drivers are activated by specifiying them in a driver= line in the
# server section, like:
# Driver=curses
# This tells LCDd to use the curses driver. The first driver that is
# loaded and is capable of output becomes 'the' output driver.
# All extra drivers can only serve as input.
# The default driver to use is curses.
# The drivers can read their own options from the config file, but most of
# them don't do this yet. They expect 'command-line'-format parameters that
# were previously placed on the command line. These parameters can be
# given to the driver in the following way:
# Arguments="place arguments here"
# The arguments between the quotes are passed to the driver.
# As said before these are the same arguments that the driver would have
# been passed under the old command line format of
# -d <driver> "<driverargs>"
# Note that the -d option still works, but not allows driverargs anymore.
# If -d is specified on the command line, the Driver= options in the
# config file are ignored.
# Server section with all kinds of settings for the LCDd server
# Tells the server to load the given drivers. Multiple lines can be given.
# NOTE: You may activate several input (input only) drivers but only ONE output
# driver, which should be the first.
# Tells the driver to bind to the given interface
# Listen on this specified port; defaults to 13666.
# Sets the reporting level; defaults to 2 (warnings and errors only).
# Should we report to syslog instead of stderr ? Default: no
# Sets the default time in seconds to displays a screen.
# User to run as. LCDd will drop its root priviledges,
# if any, and run as this user instead.
# Enables the built-in server screen [Default: no]
# yes : always,
# no : when there are no other screens active.
# The server will stay in the foreground if set to true.
# Otherwise the server will fork to background and report
# to syslog
# TIP: The following options can also be modified from the
# server menu (which requires a driver that supports input)
# The server has serveral heartbeat modes
# on Stays on all the time
# off Stays off all the time
# slash Rotating slash all the time
# open Can be controlled by all clients
# This sets the initial heartbeat state if the heartbeat mode is "open"
# Affects the server screen only
# on Heartbeat activated
# off Heartbeat disabled
# slash Heartbeat replaced with a rotating slash
# The server has serveral backlight modes
# on Stays on all the time
# off Stays off all the time
# open Can be controlled by all clients
# This sets the initial backlight state if the backlight mode is "open"
# Affects the server screen only
# This sets the backlight brightness in state "on"
# NOTE: Not all drivers/devices support setting the brightness this
# way. Some don't support switching the backlight on/off at all,
# some can switch the backlight on or off only. If the latter is
# the case BacklightBrightness must be > 0.
# This sets the backlight brightness in state "off"
# NOTE: Not all drivers/devices support setting the brightness this
# way. Some don't support switching the backlight on/off at all,
# some can switch the backlight on or off only. If the latter is
# the case BacklightBrightness must be = 0.
# Input section with settings that are related to input handling
# NOTE: Not all drivers have input functionality
# keypad settings
# Keyname Function
# Normal context Menu context
# ------- -------------- ------------
# PauseKey Pause/Continue Enter/select
# BackKey Back(Go to previous screen) Up/Left
# ForwardKey Forward(Go to next screen) Down/Right
# MainMenuKey Open main menu Exit/Cancel
# If set to yes, this prevents LCDd from handling the PauseKey itself
# If set to yes, this prevents LCDd from handling the BackKey itself
# If set to yes, this prevents LCDd from handling the ForwardKey itself
# If set to yes, this prevents LCDd from handling the MainMenuKey itself
# TIP: Even if you "free" the above keys, you can still use the menu
# provided you set FreeMainMenuKey=no
# Driver sections are below this line, in alphabetical order
# EMAC BayRAD driver
Arguments="fill in here"
# -d --device Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# -t --type Select the LCD type (size) [20x2]
# -s --speed Set the communication speed [19200]
# -h --help Show this help information
# CrystalFontz driver
# Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# Select the LCD type (size) [20x4]
# Set the initial contrast [140]
# The backlight brightness settings are retrieved
# from the serversection now. And can therefore be
# modified from the server menu now.
# Set the communication speed [9600]
# possible values: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [no]
# if set, set Speed to 19200
# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [no]
# normally you shouldn't need this
# Curses driver
# color settings
# foreground color [blue]
# background color [cyan]
# backlight color [red]
# display size [20x4]
# What position (X,Y) to start the left top corner at...
# Default: (7,7)
# Matrix Orbital GLK driver
# Set the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# Set the initial contrast [140]
# Set the communication speed [19200]
# Hitachi HD44780 driver
# See docs/hd44780_howto.txt
# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
# Select what type of connection. See documentation for types.
# If you have a keypad connected. Keypad layout is currently not
# configureable from the config file.
# If you have a switchable backlight.
# Specifies the size of the LCD.
# In case of multiple combined displays, this should be the total size.
# For multiple displays: at what 'logical' lines do the individual displays
# start.
# If you want to use more than 3 HD44780 controllers on the LPT, you need to
# specify this. See documentation.
# If your display is slow and cannot keep up with the flow of data from
# LCDd, garbage can appear on the LCDd. Set this delay factor to 2 or 4
# to increase the delays. Default: 1.
# You can reduce the inserted delays by setting this to false.
# On fast PCs it is possible your LCD does not respond correctly.
# Default: true.
# For PIC-an-LCD connection type only: the serial device to which the LCD
# is connected. Default: /dev/lcd
#IrMan driver
Arguments="fill in here"
# -d --device Select the input device to use
# -c --config Select the configuration file to use
# -h --help Show this help information
# Joystick driver
Arguments="-d /dev/js0"
# -d --device Select the input device to use [/dev/js0]
# -a --axes Modify the axis map
# -b --buttons Modify the button map
# -h --help Show this help information
# LB216 driver
Arguments="-d /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600"
# -d --device Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# -t --type Select the LCD type (size) [16x2]
# -b --brightness Set the initial brightness [255]
# -s --speed Set the communication speed [9600]
# -r --reboot Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS
# -h --help Show this help information;
# LCDM001 driver
# See [input] section for an explanation of the key mappings
# You can rearrange the settings here.
# If your device is broken, have a look at server/drivers/lcdm001.h
# LIRC input driver
# Specify an alternative location of the lircrc file, which is
# normally ~/.lircrc
# Must be the same as in your lircrc
# Matrix Orbital driver
# Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# Set the display size [20x4]
# Switch on the backlight? [yes]
# NOTE: The driver will ignore this if the display
# is a vfd or vfd as they crash if the backlight
# is turned off
# Set the initial contrast [140]
# NOTE: The driver will ignore this if the display
# is a vfd or vfd as they don't have this feature
# Set the communication speed [19200]
# Set the display type [lcd]
# Possible settings: lcd, lkd, vfd, vkd
# See [input] section for an explanation of the key mappings
# You can find out which key of your display sends which
# character by setting keypad_test_mode to yes and running
# LCDd. LCDd will output all characters it receives.
# Afterwards you can modify the settings above and set
# keypad_set_mode to no again.
# Seiko Epson 1330 driver
# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
# Type of LCD module. G321D is the only one that is tested currently.
# Seiko Epson 1520 driver
# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
# stv5730 driver
# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
# Select Mode: 0=auto detect 1=full page mode 2=mixed mode
# Select Video System: 1=PAL 2=NTSC
# Zoom First Line: 1=yes 0=no
#Select Color:
# 0=Black 1=Blue 2=Green 3=Cyan 4=Red 5=Magenta 6=Yellow 7=White
# Color of first line text
# Color of text
# Color of Character Background
# Color of Character Border
# Color of Screen Background
# SVGAlib driver
# No options
# Toshiba T6963 driver
Arguments="fill in here"
# -p --port Select the output port to use [0x378]
# -t --type Select the LCD type (size) [20x6]
# -h --help Show this help information
# Text driver
# display size [20x4]
# Wirz SLI LCD driver
Arguments="fill in here"
# -d --device Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# -s --speed Set the communication speed [19200]
# -h --help Show this help information
# /etc/lcdproc.conf
# Configuration file of the main LCDproc client "lcdproc"
# NOTE: The configuration file of LCDd is /etc/LCDd.conf
# Set SCREENS to the screens you want lcdproc to send to LCDd
# lcdproc --help will give you a list of the screens available
Danke für eure Hilfe.
ein Linux-Newbie