hab mir hier gerade eine yaVDR aufgesetzt und versuche grade, nach einander die kleinen Macken, die ich noch finde, auszumerzen.
Bei XBMC hab ich's mittlerweile soweit, dass ich Audio so rausbekomme, wie ichmir das vorstelle, DD/DTS über optischen Ausgang, für die meisten analogen Sachen, z.B. mp3, mpg und sogar flv funktioniert auch die analoge Ausgabe über optischen S/PDIF. Soweit so gut. Nur zu manchen files weigert er sich, Audi auszugeben und quittiert das mit der Einblendung "Failed to initialize audio device - check audio settings".
Aufgefallen ist mir das bislang aber nur bei avi files, z.B. von meiner Digicam, manche andere avi funktioniert allerdings.
Im Log schaut das dann so aus:
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1797648384 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: /files/vdr/MVI_1789.AVI
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1797648384 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
19:55:21 T:2760866672 M:1797648384 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 INFO: CDVDFactorySubtitle::GetSubtitles, searching subtitles
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CacheSubtitles: START
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CacheSubtitles: Checking for common subirs...
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CacheSubtitles: Done (time: 1 ms)
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CacheSubtitles: Searching for subtitles...
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CacheSubtitles: Done (time: 2 ms)
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CacheSubtitles: END (total time: 3 ms)
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 INFO: CDVDFactorySubtitle::GetSubtitles, searching subtitles done
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: Open - probing detected format [avi]
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info starting
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info finished
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 INFO: ffmpeg[B08FFB70]: Input #0, avi, from '/files/vdr/MVI_1789.AVI':
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 INFO: ffmpeg[B08FFB70]: Duration: 00:04:51.03, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 14292 kb/s
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 INFO: ffmpeg[B08FFB70]: Stream #0.0: Video: mjpeg, yuvj422p, 640x480, 30 tbr, 30 tbn, 30 tbc
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 INFO: ffmpeg[B08FFB70]: Stream #0.1: Audio: pcm_u8, 11024 Hz, 1 channels, u8, 88 kb/s
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 8
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: - Opening
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: MJPEG (Motion JPEG)
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: ff-mjpeg - Opened
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Creating video thread
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1797648384 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 65541
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1797648384 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: passthrough - Opening
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1797648384 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: passthrough - Failed
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: pcm - Opening
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: pcm - Opened
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1797648384 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1797648384 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: ReadEditDecisionLists - checking for any edit decision lists (EDL) on local drive or remote share for: /files/vdr/MVI_1789.AVI
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1797648384 NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 65541, channels: 1, sample rate: 11024, no pass-through
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - Channels: 1 - SampleRate: 11024 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - Codec PCM - IsMusic false - IsPassthrough false
- audioDevice: plug:iec958
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1797648384 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 1
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1797648384 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1797505024 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 32096, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1796997120 NOTICE: fps: 30.000299, pwidth: 640, pheight: 480, dwidth: 640, dheight: 480
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1796997120 DEBUG: OutputPicture - change configuration. 640x480. framerate: 30.00
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1795964928 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0
19:55:21 T:2760866672 M:1795964928 DEBUG: Thread 2760866672 terminating (autodelete)
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795977216 WARNING: CRenderManager::Configure - timeout waiting for previous frame
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795977216 NOTICE: Display resolution DESKTOP : 1920x1080 @ 50.00 - Full Screen (12)
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795977216 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(33333.000000, 1)
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795977216 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 32274, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2962226032 M:1795977216 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795977216 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 52860, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795981312 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 51582, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795981312 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 70210, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795854336 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 70004, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795854336 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 58918, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795727360 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 59176, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795727360 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 69844, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795727360 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 68978, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStarted - Playback has started
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 ERROR: convert_checked failed
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 ERROR: convert_checked failed
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: SetActiveDevice - SetActiveDevice from 0 to 2
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 0
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: Initialize - using alsa device plug:iec958
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 DEBUG: GL: Requested render method: 0
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 ERROR: Initialize - hw_params_get_buffer_size, alsa error: -22 - Invalid argument
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 NOTICE: GL: Selecting Single Pass YUV 2 RGB shader
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: SetActiveDevice - SetActiveDevice from 2 to 1
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 2
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1795624960 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::Initialize
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 DEBUG: GL: Shader compilation log:
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 DEBUG: GL: Shader compilation log:
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1795624960 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected
19:55:21 T:2750376816 M:1795624960 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 60142, consumed: 181
19:55:21 T:3054585728 M:1794998272 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(/files/vdr/MVI_1789.AVI)
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1794998272 ERROR: Creating a Null Audio Renderer, Check your audio settings as this should not happen
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1794998272 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 1
19:55:21 T:2739886960 M:1794998272 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize
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und während ich so lese was ich schreibe, kommt mir die Idee, dass es mit der Sample-Rate zusammenhängen könnte.
Wenn hier
DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - Channels: 1 - SampleRate: 11024 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - Codec PCM - IsMusic false - IsPassthrough false - audioDevice: plug:iec958
ein "Resample true" drin stünde, könnte das dann evtl funktioniren? Und wenn ja, wie änder ich das? Und wenn nicht, hat jemand eine andere Idee?
Ich bin momentan recht ratlos,