VOMP 0.2.7 has been released:
QuoteDisplay MoreA long time in coming, here is 0.2.7:
New Features
* Media player ! Supporting MP3 and JPG files
* For fast forward scanning, a slight jump back now occurs when the user presses play
* It is now possible to key a channel number in on the channel list page
* Current time indicator on EPG behaviour changed
* New options screens to allow for more, and better organised options
* Delete VDR timers now possible
* Programme summary during recording playback
* WOL support to wake up VDR server
* Variable width channel numbers supported
* Audio channel selection on Live TV
* Crash restarter - _some_ crashes are the code's fault - vomp will restart
Under The Hood:
* New GUI code. An overhaul of the design. Facilitates the new options screens, and maybe more in future
* Code updates for VDR 1.5 compilation support and GCC 4.2
* ticonfig included from MVPMC - a component for wireless MVPs
* A crash exiting recording while bar being displayed
* Radio EPG now shows radio channels
* Setting a timer just after midnight for a program starting around midnight bug fixed
* Fix for bootp serving IP when it shouldn't
Windows Client:
* ac3 sound support
* Code updates to make media player work on Windows
The Windows version will be posted on the web site when the final binary is made by Marten.
Thanks goes to all in the credits file (in the source code), but specifically for this release: Andreas Vogel for the media player component, Marten Richter for making it work in Windows, pompase (insert real name?) for WOL support and everybody else I have missed or am forgetting for the many bug reports and patches.
QuoteLatest - v0.2.7
* Server plugin:
* Client binary dongle:
QuoteBeschreibung aus der VDR-WIKI:
Autor: Chris Tallon
Das Plugin ist zur Ansteuerung einer Hauppauge MediaMVP gedacht, seit kurzen kann damit auch ein Windows Client angesteuert werden.
Es kombiniert die bisherige Entwicklung des Moduls "mediamvp" (ein VDR-Modul zur Ansteuerung der MediaMVP mit der originalen Firmware von Hauppauge) mit der Entwicklung "mvpmc" MVP Media Center, einer OpenSource Firmware-Entwicklung für die Hauppauge MediaMVP. "mvpmc" mit seiner hübschen GUI war bis jetzt nur als Stand-Alone-Lösung oder in Zusammenarbeit mit der VDR-Parallenentwicklung "mythTV" funktionsfähig.