ich bekomme immer folgende Meldungen auf einem meiner VDRs:
tvscraper: Channel S19.2E-1-1012-6388 is not availible, skipping. Most likely this channel does not exist. To get rid of this message, goto tvscraper settings and edit the channel list.
tvscraper: Channel S19.2E-1-1107-17503 is not availible, skipping. Most likely this channel does not exist. To get rid of this message, goto tvscraper settings and edit the channel list.
tvscraper: Channel S19.2E-1-1201-28385 is not availible, skipping. Most likely this channel does not exist. To get rid of this message, goto tvscraper settings and edit the channel list.
Seltsamerweise ist keiner dieser Channel in der Channelmap von tvscraper oder der channels.conf von vdr drin.
Wo kommen denn dann diese Meldungen her?
Danke und ciao.