softhddevice 1.10.3 mit vdpau - Artifakte

  • Hallo,

    ich nutze das softhddevice von lnj seit längerem mit vdpau in Version 1.9.7 - keine Probleme. Nach einem Update auf Version 1.10.3 bekomme ich permanent kleine Artifakte, vorzugsweise beim Abspielen von HD-Aufnahmen (Das Erste). Ich habe festgestellt, das das Problem mit der Version 1.10.2 begann und in Version 1.10.3 weiter besteht, obwohl die Version das Problem beheben sollte (Fix for VDPAU artifacts. Fix for AV sync. Version 1.10.3.). Im Log sieht es so aus:

    Ich habe permanent "duping oder droping frames".

    lnj : Kann es sein, das das Problem noch vorhanden ist?

    Viele Grüße

    VDR: Silverstone SG05 Lite, ASRock MB H510M-HDV R2.0, I3 10100, 8GB RAM, Ubuntu 22.04, vdr 2.6.4, 120GB SSD, 8TB SSD, Digital Devices Max S8X, Nvidia GT730, IR-WAKEUP USB

  • Give output of "ffmpeg":

    Have you compared plugin versions on the same system?

    Artifacts started with ffmpeg 4.0, many noticed this when switching to ubuntu 22.04. In version 1.10.03 of the plugin, I skipped several frames for the VDPAU, this increased the time for changing the picture but removed most of the artifacts. Until there are some changes in FFMPEG, I can't do anything better. But you need to check, maybe the problem is different. It would be great if there is a recording from which you can play artifacts and video, for example from your phone, as it looks on your screen.

    With the latest version, I have a lot less artifacts than before.

    vdr-2.6.4+(SoftHDDevice GT1030)+ss2 express HD+Behold TV H7+IPTV+PVR150MCE

    Edited once, last by lnj (July 17, 2023 at 4:33 AM).

  • Here the output of ffmpeg (the version doesn't change on my system):

    But i think this is a different problem which doesn't depend on ffmpeg. I tested the different versions of softhddevice on the same system, simply plugin rebuild and vdr restart. I think these are some small kind of artifacts, no blocks or so. If it happen, it looks like the picture is stopped like a still picture and then it proceeds by skipped some frames. It's only for a fractional part of a second. I see them mainly on HD recordings on 'Das Erste'. So this is more jerking than artifacts. It happens multiple times in a minute. But as these jerking is only small, they will not be seen on a recording by phone.

    With this configuration i have no problems with 1.9.7 until 1.10.1. With 1.10.2 and 1.10.3 the problem happens and it's identical in both version. So i think there may be another problem indroduced with 1.10.2.

    VDR: Silverstone SG05 Lite, ASRock MB H510M-HDV R2.0, I3 10100, 8GB RAM, Ubuntu 22.04, vdr 2.6.4, 120GB SSD, 8TB SSD, Digital Devices Max S8X, Nvidia GT730, IR-WAKEUP USB

    Edited once, last by wtor (July 17, 2023 at 8:20 PM).

  • I'm not at home at the moment, but whats the best place for upload for a minute of HD recording?

    VDR: Silverstone SG05 Lite, ASRock MB H510M-HDV R2.0, I3 10100, 8GB RAM, Ubuntu 22.04, vdr 2.6.4, 120GB SSD, 8TB SSD, Digital Devices Max S8X, Nvidia GT730, IR-WAKEUP USB

  • I cut a short recording and it shows the small jerks, like stuttering or so, really small. Inbetween playing, in the log many of the dropped/dupped frames messages are written. You can find the sample recording here: jerk sample

    By the way, compiling with "SCREENSAVER ?= 0" i got compile errors:

    VDR: Silverstone SG05 Lite, ASRock MB H510M-HDV R2.0, I3 10100, 8GB RAM, Ubuntu 22.04, vdr 2.6.4, 120GB SSD, 8TB SSD, Digital Devices Max S8X, Nvidia GT730, IR-WAKEUP USB

  • Both problems seems to be fixed.


    VDR: Silverstone SG05 Lite, ASRock MB H510M-HDV R2.0, I3 10100, 8GB RAM, Ubuntu 22.04, vdr 2.6.4, 120GB SSD, 8TB SSD, Digital Devices Max S8X, Nvidia GT730, IR-WAKEUP USB

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