Kannst du mal ein debuglog posten bis zum deta ? Evtl. kann man da ja sehen wo er hängt.
Kannst du mal ein debuglog posten bis zum deta ? Evtl. kann man da ja sehen wo er hängt.
Hm, das mpv-Plugin erzeugt aber erst ein Debuglog wenn es genutzt wird?
Aber ich erstelle eine Log
cinfo did you read my last post?
Hm, das mpv-Plugin erzeugt aber erst ein Debuglog wenn es genutzt wird?
Aber ich erstelle eine Log
Ich meine ein Debuglog vom softhddrm. Das scheint ja beim deta zu hängen wenn das mpv plugin geladen ist.
das steht nach Kodi-Aufruf im syslog
Display MoreJul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video/cuvid: output 2072x1166+1538+262 Jul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: input 1280x720 (1:1) Jul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: display aspect 16:9 Resolution 1 Jul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: video +1538+262 2072x1166 Jul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: speed up video, droping frame -100 Jul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: crop to +0+0 1280x720 Jul 8 17:08:55 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: stretch output 2072x1166+1538+262 Jul 8 17:09:00 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files... Jul 8 17:09:00 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Deactivated successfully. Jul 8 17:09:00 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files. Jul 8 17:09:24 BM2LTS-DD vdr: codec/audio: drift( 0) -65522us -31450 Jul 8 17:09:34 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: speed up video, droping frame -109 Jul 8 17:09:42 BM2LTS-DD fstrim[2741]: /media/hd: 1,1 GiB (1139040256 Bytes) auf /dev/nvme0n1p4 getrimmt Jul 8 17:09:42 BM2LTS-DD fstrim[2741]: /: 15,7 GiB (16861855744 Bytes) auf /dev/nvme0n1p2 getrimmt Jul 8 17:09:42 BM2LTS-DD fstrim[2741]: /boot/efi: 503,4 MiB (527814656 Bytes) auf /dev/nvme0n1p1 getrimmt Jul 8 17:09:42 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Deactivated successfully. Jul 8 17:09:42 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: Finished Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab. Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [2006] SVDRP < client connection accepted Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1665] [softhddev]OglThread cleanup Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video/cuvid: output 3840x2160+0+0 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: input 1280x720 (1:1) Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: display aspect 16:9 Resolution 1 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: video +0+0 3840x2160 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: crop to +0+0 1280x720 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: stretch output 3840x2160+0+0 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: Set Playmode 0 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: Clear buffer request in Decode Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: reset start Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: set clock --:--:--.--- Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [softhddev]Clear: 0ms buffers 0 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: set closing Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: set clock --:--:--.--- Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: reset start Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: set clock --:--:--.--- Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: new stream start Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: Set Playmode 1 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: set trick-speed 0 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [softhddev]Suspend: Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: Video Exit Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: cuvid del hw decoder Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video/cuvid: CuvidDestroySurfaces Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: Last decoder closes Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video/cuvid: 0 missed, 168 duped, 10 dropped frames of 35308,35296 Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: CuvidExit Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video: video thread canceled Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: decoder thread exit Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: display thread exit Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: video/egl: EglExit Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: drm clean up Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: nach drm clean up Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: VideoStreamClose Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: CodecVideoClose Jul 8 17:10:49 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [2006] SVDRP < connection closed Jul 8 17:10:50 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [softhddev]GetVideoSize: 0x0 1 Jul 8 17:10:53 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1670]: Started app-flatpak-tv.kodi.Kodi-4030.scope. Jul 8 17:10:53 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: Configuration file /run/systemd/system/netplan-ovs-cleanup.service is marked world-inaccessible. This has no effect as configuration data is accessible via APIs without restrictions. Proceeding anyway. Jul 8 17:10:54 BM2LTS-DD systemd[1]: Stopping Video Disk Recorder... Jul 8 17:10:54 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1611] frontend 0/0 lost lock on channel 1 (Das Erste HD), tp 111493 Jul 8 17:10:54 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1615] frontend 1/0 lost lock on channel 20 (Deluxe Music HD), tp 110802 Jul 8 17:10:56 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: dummydevice Jul 8 17:10:56 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: tvscraper Jul 8 17:10:56 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1611] frontend 0/0 timed out while tuning to channel 1 (Das Erste HD), tp 111493 Jul 8 17:10:56 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1611] ERROR: frontend 0/0: Das Argument ist ungültig (dvbdevice.c:1711) Jul 8 17:10:56 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1615] frontend 1/0 timed out while tuning to channel 20 (Deluxe Music HD), tp 110802 Jul 8 17:10:56 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1615] ERROR: frontend 1/0: Das Argument ist ungültig (dvbdevice.c:1711) Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: tvguideng Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: systeminfo Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: streamdev-server Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: sleeptimer Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: skinsimple Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: osdteletext Jul 8 17:10:57 BM2LTS-DD vdr: [1594] stopping plugin: osd2web
Danke - werde ich machen und berichten
das steht nach Kodi-Aufruf im syslog
So wie ich das hier sehe beendet sich das softhddrm plugin sauber. Wie sieht es denn im Fehlerfall aus. Was bleibt denn hängen ?
Hm, das steht doch aber schon da? Was soll ich damit machen? --> ausschalten?
// davor setzen
cinfo Enthält die v. dir im BM2LTS thread gepostete mpv bereits diese 'Änderung ? Sonst bitte aktualisieren.
cinfo Enthält die v. dir im BM2LTS thread gepostete mpv bereits diese 'Änderung ? Sonst bitte aktualisieren.
Du bist schon mach mal etwas schräg. Was steht denn da zur MPV-Version für den Test. Ja ist alles OK
haha Danke ... so schräg nun auch wieder net ... aber sorry da hab ich das Datum der threads nicht beachtet
Added to git.
!!!! Zuerst mal einen herzlichen Dank für eure langjährige Arbeit und Unterstützung !!!!
lnj Ich möchte daran erinnern, dass der Absturz des vdr nach 3 (-10) exits immer noch vorhanden ist.
cinfo ( jojo61 ) Das nun wieder eingebaute ATTA nach dem Exit aus KODI bringt immer noch hin und wieder (bei mir gleich beim 1. Mal) das vdr Bild zum Flimmern.
Bitte um Aufklärung warum mein 1080p24 Video in 4k p30 abgespielt wird.
Ich hätte 4k p24 erwartet...
Der TV kann eig. 4kp24/50/60 .. das Max. wäre also 4kp60 ?
Kann es das sein ?
[vo/gpu/drm] VT_GETMODE failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Display Moreroot@BM2LTS-MC:/media/hd/video/0movie# mpv --v --drm-connector=HDMI-A-2 --vo=gpu --hwdec=drm --audio-device=alsa/hdmi:CARD=PCH,DEV=0 --gpu-context=drm tb.mkv [cplayer] Command line options: '--v' '--drm-connector=HDMI-A-2' '--vo=gpu' '--hwdec=drm' '--audio-device=alsa/hdmi:CARD=PCH,DEV=0' '--gpu-context=drm' 'tb.mkv' ... [cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa build-date caca cplugins cuda-hwaccel cuda-interop debug dmabuf-interop-gl drm dvbin egl egl-drm egl-x11 ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gl glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gpl iconv jack javascript jpeg lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libbluray libdl libplacebo linux-fstatfs lua52 memrchr posix posix-shm ppoll pthread-condattr-setclock pulse rubberband sixel sndio uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-x11 vdpau vector vk-khr-display vt.h vulkan vulkan-interop x11 xv zimg zlib [cplayer] Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf [bdmv/bluray] Opening /usr/local/etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf [file] Opening /usr/local/etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf [cplayer] Applying profile 'default'... [cplayer] Reading config file /root/.config/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf [bdmv/bluray] Opening /root/.config/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf [file] Opening /root/.config/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf [cplayer] Applying profile 'default'... [cplayer] Reading config file /root/.config/mpv/mpv.conf [bdmv/bluray] Opening /root/.config/mpv/mpv.conf [file] Opening /root/.config/mpv/mpv.conf [cplayer] Applying profile 'default'... [cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'vaapi' (flags = 4) [cplayer] Setting option 'vo' = 'gpu' (flags = 4) [cplayer] Setting option 'gpu-context' = 'drm' (flags = 4) [cplayer] Setting option 'audio-device' = 'alsa/plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=3' (flags = 4) [cplayer] Setting option 'audio-spdif' = 'ac3,dts,eac3,truehd.dts-hd' (flags = 4) [cplayer] Setting option 'audio-channels' = '5.1' (flags = 4) [cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8) [cplayer] Setting option 'drm-connector' = 'HDMI-A-2' (flags = 8) [cplayer] Setting option 'vo' = 'gpu' (flags = 8) [cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'drm' (flags = 8) [cplayer] Setting option 'audio-device' = 'alsa/hdmi:CARD=PCH,DEV=0' (flags = 8) [cplayer] Setting option 'gpu-context' = 'drm' (flags = 8) [cplayer] Waiting for scripts... [cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/visibility="auto" -> 1 [cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"r":0,"t":0} -> 1 [cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"r":0,"t":0} -> 1 [cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"r":0,"t":0} -> 1 [osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1502000 [osd/libass] libass source: tarball: 0.15.2 [osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.8 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 2.7.4 (COMPLEX) [osd/libass] Setting up fonts... [osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig [osd/libass] Done. [cplayer] Done loading scripts. [cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_before_start_file [cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load [cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load [ytdl_hook] playlist hook [cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_load [bdmv/bluray] Opening tb.mkv [file] Opening tb.mkv [demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal. [mkv] Deferring reading cues. [mkv] All headers are parsed! [mkv] Start PTS: 0.083000 [demux] Detected file format: Matroska [cplayer] Opening done: tb.mkv [find_files] Loading external files in . [cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded [cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_preloaded [mkv] select track 0 [mkv] select track 4 [cplayer] ● Video --vid=1 (h264 1920x1080 23.976 fps) [cplayer] ○ Image --vid=2 '81507079.jpg' (mjpeg) [cplayer] ○ Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng 'Englisch [Original]' (aac 2ch 48000 Hz) [cplayer] ○ Audio --aid=2 --alang=ger 'Deutsch' (aac 2ch 48000 Hz) [cplayer] ○ Audio --aid=3 --alang=eng 'Englisch [Original]' (eac3 6ch 48000 Hz) [cplayer] ● Audio --aid=4 --alang=ger 'Deutsch' (eac3 6ch 48000 Hz) [default] [cplayer] ○ Subs --sid=1 --slang=ger 'Deutsch' (ass) [cplayer] ○ Subs --sid=2 --slang=eng 'English (CC)' (ass) [display-tags] File tags: [display-tags] Date: 2021 [display-tags] Description: Auf der Suche nach Antworten über Liz’ Tod setzt Red die Taskforce auf eine Bank der Unterwelt an, die stets in Bewegung ist. [display-tags] Title: Die Caelum-Bank (Nr. 169) [vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'drm' [vo/gpu/drm] VT_GETMODE failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device [vo/gpu/drm] Failed to set up VT switcher. Terminal switching will be unavailable. [vo/gpu/drm] Picked DRM card 0, primary node /dev/dri/card1 as the default. [vo/gpu/drm] Driver: i915 1.6.0 (0) [vo/gpu/drm] Connector 332 currently connected to encoder 331 [vo/gpu/drm] Selected Encoder 331 with CRTC 100 [vo/gpu/drm] Selected mode: 3840x2160 (3840x2160@30.00Hz) [vo/gpu/drm] DRM Atomic support found [vo/gpu/drm] Using primary plane 32 as draw plane [vo/gpu/drm] Using overlay plane 41 as drmprime plane [vo/gpu] GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 supported by draw plane. [vo/gpu] Supported modifier: 0x100000000000006 [vo/gpu] Supported modifier: 0x100000000000008 [vo/gpu] Supported modifier: 0x100000000000002 [vo/gpu] Supported modifier: 0x100000000000001 [vo/gpu] Supported modifier: 0x0 [vo/gpu] Creating GBM device [vo/gpu] Initializing GBM surface (3840 x 2160) [vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing EGL [vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.5 [vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project [vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES [vo/gpu/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context. [vo/gpu/opengl] Attempting to find EGLConfig matching GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 [vo/gpu/opengl] Found matching EGLConfig for GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 [vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing EGL surface [vo/gpu] GL_VERSION='4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.3~git2407250600.76ae27~oibaf~j (git-76ae27e 2024-07-25 jammy-oibaf-ppa)' [vo/gpu] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.6. [vo/gpu] GL_VENDOR='Intel' [vo/gpu] GL_RENDERER='Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics (TGL GT2)' [vo/gpu] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.60' [vo/gpu] Loaded extension GL_KHR_debug. [vo/gpu/opengl] Preparing framebuffer [vo/gpu/opengl] GBM surface using modifier 0x100000000000008 [vo/gpu/drm] crtc is not VRR capable [vo/gpu/drm] Monitor pixel aspect: 1 [vo/gpu/opengl] Opening render node "/dev/dri/renderD128" [vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f [vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f. [vo/gpu] Assuming 30.000000 FPS for display sync. [vd] Container reported FPS: 23.976024 [vd] Codec list: [vd] h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 [vd] h264_v4l2m2m (h264) - V4L2 mem2mem H.264 decoder wrapper [vd] libopenh264 (h264) - OpenH264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 [vd] Opening decoder h264 [vd] Unsupported hwdec: drm [vd] Using software decoding. [vd] Detected 4 logical cores. [vd] Requesting 5 threads for decoding. [vo/gpu] DR path suspected slow/uncached, disabling. [vd] DR failed - disabling. [vd] Selected decoder: h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 [vf] User filter list: [vf] (empty) [ad] Codec list: [ad] spdif_eac3 (eac3) - libavformat/spdifenc audio pass-through decoder [ad] Opening decoder spdif_eac3 [ad] Selected decoder: spdif_eac3 - libavformat/spdifenc audio pass-through decoder [af] User filter list: [af] (empty) [cplayer] Starting playback... [vd] Using software decoding. [vd] Decoder format: 1920x1080 yuv420p auto/auto/auto/auto/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [vd] Using container aspect ratio. [vf] [in] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [vf] [userdeint] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [vf] [userdeint] (disabled) [vf] [autorotate] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [vf] [autorotate] (disabled) [vf] [convert] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [vf] [convert] (disabled) [vf] [out] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [ad] Failed to parse codec profile. [ad] In: profile=-99 samplerate=48000 [af] [in] 192000Hz stereo 2ch spdif-eac3 [af] [userspeed] 192000Hz stereo 2ch spdif-eac3 [af] [userspeed] (disabled) [af] [convert] 192000Hz stereo 2ch spdif-eac3 [ao] Trying audio driver 'alsa' [ao] Using preferred device 'hdmi:CARD=PCH,DEV=0' [ao/alsa] requested format: 192000 Hz, stereo channels, spdif-eac3 [ao/alsa] using ALSA version: [ao/alsa] opening device 'hdmi:CARD=PCH,DEV=0' => 'hdmi:CARD=PCH,DEV=0,AES0=6,AES1=130,AES2=0,AES3=14' [ao/alsa] trying format s16/2 [ao/alsa] channel map reported by ALSA: FL FR [ao/alsa] which we understand as: stereo [ao/alsa] using spdif passthrough; ignoring the channel map. [ao/alsa] hw pausing supported: yes [ao/alsa] buffersize: 19200 samples [ao/alsa] period size: 4800 samples [ao/alsa] device buffer: 19200 samples. [ao/alsa] using soft-buffer of 43008 samples. [cplayer] AO: [alsa] 192000Hz stereo 2ch spdif-eac3 [cplayer] AO: Description: ALSA audio output [af] [convert] (disabled) [af] [out] 192000Hz stereo 2ch spdif-eac3 [cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p [cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer [vo/gpu] reconfig to 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0 [vo/gpu] Resize: 3840x2160 [vo/gpu] Window size: 3840x2160 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0) [vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1) [vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 3840x2160 [vo/gpu] Video scale: 2.000000/2.000000 [vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0 [vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0 [vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8 [vo/gpu] Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080 [vo/gpu] Texture for plane 1: 960x540 [vo/gpu] Texture for plane 2: 960x540 ...
Can the video card output such a mode, can the driver do it? I don't know. The plugin does not set the output mode in any way. If you can run MPV with such an output, give me the settings and I will make options for the plugin.
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