ich habe auf http://vdrsync.vdr-portal.de/developer.html
die nächste Developer-Version von vdrsync veröffentlicht.
Bevor ich daraus aber eine offizielle Version mache, möchte ich versuchen, die Fehlerkorrektur bei beschädigten Aufnahmen zu verbessern, ähem, einzubauen ;).
Dazu brauche ich eure Hilfe! Bitte schickt mir Schnippsel von Aufnahmen, bei denen VDRsync versagt. Dabei ist es egal, ob VDRsync ganz aussteigt, oder einfach die Audio/Video-Sync nicht stimmt.
Ich brauche meist nur ca 1 MB, um herauszubekommen, woran es liegt. Dazu muss aber der Fehler in diesem MB liegen. Wenn Ihr also die Stelle findet, ab der es schief geht (oft nach einer Bildstörung), dann schneidet doch bitte kurz vor und kurz nach der Stelle, und schickt den Schnippsel an
Wenn Ihr wollt, dann könnt Ihr mir auch gerne CDs mit Fehler-Schnippseln schicken (einfach vorher eine PM an mich).
Wenn Ihr fleissig Schnippsel schickt, dann stehen die Chancen nicht schlecht, dass ich auch was Vernünftiges auf die Beine bekomme (toitoitoi ;)).
Schon mal vielen Dank für die Mithilfe, und hier noch das Change-log der neuen Developer-Version:
QuoteDisplay MoreFinally a new development release (NOTE: THIS VERSION WILL NOT WORK WITH VDRCONVERT)
This time the changes focused on postprocessing options like DVD-creation.
There are again too many changes to describe them all (and I can not even remember
all), but the main improvements are (IMHO):- Addition of the dvd-menu.pl script, that allows the creation of a DVD directory
structure with Menus, user supplied text and backgrounds etc pp. The script can also
be used without VDRsync, more info at http://vdrsync.vdr-portal.de/- Addition of the (very ugly) vdrsync_buffer.pl helper script.
This script just takes input from STDIN and buffers up to 10 MB, pipes it out to STDOUT,
or a user supplied FIFO or file. It is used for theon-the-fly conversion of recordings to a DVD-Structure
It is ugly, uses perl threads, and my very first attempt to write something threaded.
If you are a real programmer, please write something better and sent it to me
But: it works for me. So now you are able to convert a recording (including cutting)
straight into a DVD, no temp files, optional requanting is possible (see below). Used
when you add the option "-use-pipe".- You can cut your recording according to a marks.vdr while processing it with VDRsync
- You can feed input via STDIN to vdrsync (-stdin). Together with the -use-pipe option
we might get close to a "realtime" conversion, at least to mpeg2 (just imagine a
streaming client piping the PS to vdrsync. This, however, does not work yet.Ok, that are the main things. Other changes:
- it is possible to specify more than one directory on the command line
when creating a DVD. vdrsync will then create a DVD that contains every directory
as a title set. If you specify the -dvd-menu switch, you will even have Menus with
summaries etc- it is possible to shrink the recording(s) to fit to a single DVD by
adding -fit-to-dvd option. This works also for multiple recordings on the command line- added the possibility to generate a file that contains the main recording stats.
This might be very handy for scripting, when you call vdrsync with
You can simple retrieve the name=value pairs from that file.- Switch to mplex as a default multiplexer. First of all, it accepts FIFOs as input
(I needed that for the -use-pipe Option). Second, it does not scan the Input before
starting, saving quite a bit of time. Third, it should accept Audio-Tracks that change
format in the middle of the recording. This has not been used yet, but it is something
to integrate in the future. Moreover, mplex can (must) split the output in smaller files,
which allows some other fine things (vdrrequant like cutting/shrinking in a single run)
Probably I forgot half of the changes, but this information should get you started
(at least you know what to look for...)Have a look at the Usage Message you get when you start VDRsync without a parameter.