Ja, in der Tat.
Danke für's fixen 8).
Nun muss ich nur mal die Hängerchen an Alexander reporten, die ich da noch habe...
Ja, in der Tat.
Danke für's fixen 8).
Nun muss ich nur mal die Hängerchen an Alexander reporten, die ich da noch habe...
Hallo Kris,
ich bin seit Tagen mit openelec am probieren. Ich habe ein Zotac ION ITX S Board und als Tunerkarte die TBS 6981.
Egal welches ION build ich nutze, die TBS 6981 wird nirgends supported. Ich habe noch ne Tevii S480, da ist aber das gleiche Problem. Sonst läuft alles, nur die TBS Karte bring ich partout nicht zum laufen.
Wobei man auch sagen muss, dass openelec wenige DVB-S/S2 Karten supported. Hast du vielleicht einen Tip für mich, wie ich das geregelt bekommen kann?
Hallo Kris,
ich bin seit Tagen mit openelec am probieren. Ich habe ein Zotac ION ITX S Board und als Tunerkarte die TBS 6981.
Egal welches ION build ich nutze, die TBS 6981 wird nirgends supported. Ich habe noch ne Tevii S480, da ist aber das gleiche Problem. Sonst läuft alles, nur die TBS Karte bring ich partout nicht zum laufen.
Wobei man auch sagen muss, dass openelec wenige DVB-S/S2 Karten supported. Hast du vielleicht einen Tip für mich, wie ich das geregelt bekommen kann?
Du baust dir auf einer anderen Maschine, mit dem Kernel welcher unter openelec benutzt wird, deine DVBS2 Module und baust diese dann
in dein openelec ein.
Oder bei github bzw. im Forum einen Feature Request stellen. GrK.
Da ist schon ein feature-request drin, leider ist es ihnen bisher nicht gelungen, die TBS zum laufen zu kriegen.
Hallo, habe heute mal ein update gezogen, welches mit einem Fehler beendet wurde.
Wie muß man darauf reagieren?
root@debdev:/openelec# git pull
remote: Counting objects: 443, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (169/169), done.
remote: Total 342 (delta 245), reused 264 (delta 170)
Receiving objects: 100% (342/342), 37.93 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (245/245), completed with 74 local objects.
From https://github.com/OpenELEC/OpenELEC.tv
c05a392..cde9b87 master -> origin/master
Updating c05a392..cde9b87
config/functions | 174 ++++++++++
config/graphic | 14 +
config/options | 7 -
config/path | 6 +-
packages/3rdparty/multimedia/vdr/meta | 4 +-
packages/debug/mesa-demos/meta | 2 +-
packages/debug/meta | 3 +-
packages/graphics/Mesa/meta | 4 +
packages/graphics/glew/meta | 4 +-
.../glew/patches/glew-1.7.0-crosscompile.patch | 17 +-
packages/graphics/tiff/meta | 4 +-
packages/mediacenter/meta | 6 +-
.../patches/script.xbmc.lcd-dc08f6e-be_quiet.patch | 19 +-
packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/build | 38 ++-
packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/install | 4 +-
packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/meta | 23 +-
...f4d4-013-reenable_lcd_config_settings-0.1.patch | 13 +
...bmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-991-lcd-ae6618f...100d77c.patch | 359 --------------------
packages/mediacenter/xbmc/build | 38 ++-
packages/mediacenter/xbmc/install | 4 +-
packages/mediacenter/xbmc/meta | 22 +-
...c547-013-reenable_lcd_config_settings-0.1.patch | 13 +
.../xbmc-f76c547-991-lcd-ae6618f...100d77c.patch | 359 --------------------
packages/multimedia/SDL/build | 31 ++-
packages/multimedia/SDL/meta | 15 +-
packages/multimedia/SDL_image/meta | 6 +-
packages/multimedia/SDL_mixer/meta | 2 +-
packages/multimedia/SDL_net/build | 40 ---
packages/multimedia/SDL_net/install | 27 --
packages/multimedia/SDL_net/meta | 36 --
packages/multimedia/SDL_ttf/build | 39 ---
packages/multimedia/SDL_ttf/install | 27 --
packages/multimedia/SDL_ttf/meta | 36 --
packages/network/libnfs/build | 3 +
packages/python/graphics/Imaging/meta | 4 +-
packages/security/cryptodev-linux/build | 5 +-
packages/sysutils/ConsoleKit/meta | 4 +-
packages/sysutils/lcdproc/meta | 6 +-
packages/sysutils/pciutils/build | 3 +
packages/sysutils/remote/meta | 6 +-
packages/toolchain/devel/cmake/meta | 2 +-
packages/x11/driver/xf86-video-fglrx/meta | 4 +-
packages/x11/proto/glproto/meta | 2 +-
packages/x11/toolkits/gdk-pixbuf/meta | 4 +-
packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/meta | 6 +-
...atch => xorg-server-1.11.4-05_pkg_config.patch} | 0
...0_cache_xkbcomp_output_for_fast_start_up.patch} | 0
..._sloppy_heuristic_first_for_initial_mode.patch} | 0
... => xorg-server-1.11.4-13-detect_nouveau.patch} | 0
...h => xorg-server-1.11.4-14-detect_radeon.patch} | 0
...erver-1.11.4-20_extra_modelines_fromxorg.patch} | 0
...> xorg-server-1.11.4-21_x11_nonroot-vesa.patch} | 0
...xorg-server-1.11.4-22_do_not_zap_xserver.patch} | 0
...rg-server-1.11.4-25_less_acpi_brokenness.patch} | 0
projects/ATV/options | 15 +-
projects/Fusion/options | 15 +-
projects/Generic/options | 15 +-
projects/Generic_OSS/options | 15 +-
projects/ION/options | 15 +-
projects/Intel/options | 15 +-
projects/Ultra/options | 15 +-
scripts/image | 4 +-
62 files changed, 524 insertions(+), 1030 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-a62f4d4-013-reenable_lcd_config_settings-0.1.patch
delete mode 100644 packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-991-lcd-ae6618f...100d77c.patch
create mode 100644 packages/mediacenter/xbmc/patches/xbmc-f76c547-013-reenable_lcd_config_settings-0.1.patch
delete mode 100644 packages/mediacenter/xbmc/patches/xbmc-f76c547-991-lcd-ae6618f...100d77c.patch
delete mode 100755 packages/multimedia/SDL_net/build
delete mode 100755 packages/multimedia/SDL_net/install
delete mode 100644 packages/multimedia/SDL_net/meta
delete mode 100755 packages/multimedia/SDL_ttf/build
delete mode 100755 packages/multimedia/SDL_ttf/install
delete mode 100644 packages/multimedia/SDL_ttf/meta
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-05_pkg_config.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-05_pkg_config.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-10_cache_xkbcomp_output_for_fast_start_up.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-10_cache_xkbcomp_output_for_fast_start_up.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-11_use_sloppy_heuristic_first_for_initial_mode.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-11_use_sloppy_heuristic_first_for_initial_mode.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-13-detect_nouveau.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-13-detect_nouveau.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-14-detect_radeon.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-14-detect_radeon.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-20_extra_modelines_fromxorg.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-20_extra_modelines_fromxorg.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-21_x11_nonroot-vesa.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-21_x11_nonroot-vesa.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-22_do_not_zap_xserver.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-22_do_not_zap_xserver.patch} (100%)
rename packages/x11/xserver/xorg-server/patches/{xorg-server-1.11.3-25_less_acpi_brokenness.patch => xorg-server-1.11.4-25_less_acpi_brokenness.patch} (100%)
Display More
# PROJECT=ION ARCH=x86_64 PVR=yes make
Configuration for OpenELEC_PVR
- CPU (ARCH): atom (x86_64)
- FPU:
- Optimizations: speed
- LTO (Link Time Optimization) support: no
- GOLD (Google Linker) Support: no
- Graphite Support: yes
- LOOP optimization support: yes
- LLVM support:
Graphic configuration:
- XORG support: yes
- XORG Composite support:
- XORG Xinerama support:
- OpenGL (GLX) support (provider): yes (Mesa)
- OpenGLES support (provider): no (no)
- WindowManager: ratpoison
- Xorg Graphic Drivers: nvidia
Hardware decoder configuration:
- Broadcom CrystalHD Decoder: no
- VAAPI Support: no
- VDPAU Support: yes
- XVBA Support: no
Input device configuration:
- Remote support: yes
- ATV Remote support: no
- CEC Adapter support: yes
- IRTrans support: yes
- XBMC Joystick support: yes
Misc. hardware configuration:
- Pulseaudio support: no
- Blu-Ray support: yes
- Bluetooth support: yes
- Hardware Sensors support: yes
- LCD drivers: irtrans,imon,imonlcd,mdm166a,MtxOrb
- Include driver: asix-ax887xx
- Include driver: AF9035
- Include driver: A867
- Include driver: aver_h826d
- Include driver: RTL2832
- Include driver: hdhomerun-driver
- Include firmware: misc-firmware
- Include firmware: wlan-firmware
- Include firmware: dvb-firmware
Network service configuration:
- Avahi (Zeroconf) support: yes
- SAMBA server support: yes
- SFTP server support: yes
- SSH Guard support: yes
- XBMC Airplay support: yes
- XBMC Airtunes support: yes
- XBMC AFP support: yes
- XBMC NFS support: yes
- XBMC SAMBA client support: yes
- XBMC Webserver support: yes
OS configuration:
- OEM Support: no
- Default Hostname: openelec
- Default ROOT Password: openelec
- Bootloader: syslinux
- U-Boot configuration:
- UDisks support: yes
- UPower support: yes
- Update support: yes
- Installer support: yes
Misc. Filesystems:
- NTFS Support (via Fuse): yes
- Install HFS Tools: yes
XBMC configuration:
- XBMC version: xbmc-pvr
- XBMC PVR/DVB support: yes
- XBMC nonfree support: yes
- XBMC DVDCSS support: yes
- Include Skin: Confluence
- Default Skin: Confluence
- Include extra fonts: yes
- Include RSXS Screensaver: yes
- Include ProjectM Visualization: yes
- Include Goom Visualization: yes
End Configuration for OpenELEC_PVR
INSTALL eglibc
INSTALL timezone-data
INSTALL gcc-final
INSTALL busybox
INSTALL kexec-tools
INSTALL hdparm
INSTALL speedcontrol
INSTALL pastebinit
INSTALL sqlite
INSTALL openssl
INSTALL ca-certification
INSTALL libffi
INSTALL simplejson
INSTALL distribute
Before install bootstrap.
Scanning installed packages
Setuptools installation detected at /srv/OpenELEC.tv/build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/toolchain/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Non-egg installation
Removing elements out of the way...
Already patched.
/srv/OpenELEC.tv/build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/toolchain/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg-info already patched.
warning: no files found matching 'Makefile' under directory 'docs'
warning: no files found matching 'indexsidebar.html' under directory 'docs'
After install bootstrap.
/srv/OpenELEC.tv/build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/toolchain/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg-info already exists
INSTALL configobj
INSTALL linux-drivers
INSTALL asix-ax887xx
INSTALL aver_h826d
INSTALL hdhomerun-driver
INSTALL linux-firmware
INSTALL misc-firmware
INSTALL wlan-firmware
INSTALL dvb-firmware
INSTALL pciutils
INSTALL util-linux
INSTALL network
INSTALL connman
INSTALL usbutils
INSTALL libusb-compat
INSTALL libusb
INSTALL iptables
INSTALL wpa_supplicant
INSTALL pygobject
INSTALL dbus-python
INSTALL dbus-glib
INSTALL ethtool
INSTALL openssh
INSTALL sshguard
INSTALL alsa-lib
INSTALL xorg-server
INSTALL libpciaccess
INSTALL freetype
INSTALL libxcb
INSTALL libXfont
INSTALL libdrm
cp: Aufruf von stat für ,,build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/libdrm-2.4.30/libkms/.libs/libkms.so*" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
cp: Aufruf von stat für ,,build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/libdrm-2.4.30/*/.libs/libdrm_*.so" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
cp: Aufruf von stat für ,,build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/libdrm-2.4.30/*/.libs/libdrm_*.so*[0-9]" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
INSTALL libXdamage
INSTALL libXfixes
INSTALL libXxf86vm
INSTALL mesa-demos
cp: Aufruf von stat für ,,build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/Mesa-8.0-rc1/lib/*_dri.so" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
cp: Aufruf von stat für ,,build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/Mesa-8.0-rc1/lib/gallium/*_dri.so" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
cp: Aufruf von stat für ,,build.OpenELEC_PVR-ION.x86_64-devel/Mesa-8.0-rc1/lib/gallium/*_drv.so" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
INSTALL pixman
INSTALL libXinerama
INSTALL encodings
INSTALL font-xfree86-type1
INSTALL font-bitstream-type1
INSTALL font-misc-misc
INSTALL font-util
INSTALL font-cursor-misc
INSTALL font-util-host
INSTALL xkeyboard-config
INSTALL xkbcomp
INSTALL xf86-input-evdev
INSTALL xf86-video-nvidia
INSTALL libvdpau
INSTALL vdpauinfo
INSTALL xrandr
INSTALL libXrandr
INSTALL libXrender
INSTALL setxkbmap
INSTALL ratpoison
INSTALL fontconfig
INSTALL libxml2
INSTALL liberation-fonts-ttf
INSTALL mediacenter
UNPACK xbmc-pvr
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-001-add_support_to_specify_GIT_REV-0.1.patch
patching file configure.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 517 (offset 89 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 1491 (offset 306 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 1735 (offset 320 lines).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-303-fix_libdvd_xFLAGS-0.1.patch
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdcss/src/libdvdcss.pc.in
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdnav/misc/dvdnav-config2.sh
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdnav/misc/dvdnav-config.in
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdnav/misc/dvdnavmini.pc.in
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdnav/misc/dvdnav.pc.in
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdread/misc/dvdread-config.in
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdread/misc/dvdread-config.sh
patching file lib/libdvd/libdvdread/misc/dvdread.pc.in
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-311-fix_rsxs_build-0.1.patch
patching file xbmc/screensavers/rsxs-0.9/lib/argp-namefrob.h
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-402-enable_yasm_in_ffmpeg-0.1.patch
patching file configure.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 1279 (offset 394 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 2078 with fuzz 2 (offset 528 lines).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-404-add_lame_check-0.6.patch
patching file configure.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 85 with fuzz 1 (offset 13 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 327 (offset 81 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 895 (offset 129 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1736 (offset 403 lines).
patching file xbmc/cdrip/CDDARipper.cpp
Hunk #1 succeeded at 28 (offset 1 line).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 83 (offset 1 line).
patching file xbmc/cdrip/Makefile.in
patching file xbmc/settings/GUISettings.cpp
Hunk #1 succeeded at 329 (offset 5 lines).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-408-enable_PYTHONOPTIMIZE_with_external_Python-0.1.patch
patching file xbmc/interfaces/python/XBPython.cpp
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-452-change_lcd_content-0.1.patch
patching file userdata/LCD.xml
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-453-add_openelec.tv_RSS_news-0.1.patch
patching file userdata/RssFeeds.xml
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-454-disable_backslash-0.1.patch
patching file system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 91 with fuzz 1 (offset 1 line).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-457-fix_connection_check-0.1.patch
patching file xbmc/filesystem/FileCurl.cpp
Hunk #1 succeeded at 798 (offset -5 lines).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-462-add_remote_irtrans_mediacenter-0.1.patch
patching file system/Lircmap.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 466 with fuzz 2 (offset 57 lines).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-463-add_remote_devinput-0.1.patch
patching file system/Lircmap.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 409 (offset 44 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 509 (offset 58 lines).
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-464-add_eject_keymapping_for_lirc-0.1.patch
patching file system/keymaps/remote.xml
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-801-cec-PR570.patch
patching file xbmc/Application.cpp
Hunk #1 succeeded at 2645 (offset 71 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 5125 (offset 105 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 5176 (offset 105 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 5186 (offset 105 lines).
patching file xbmc/Application.h
Hunk #1 succeeded at 173 (offset 6 lines).
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
patching file language/English/strings.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 2840 (offset 451 lines).
patching file system/peripherals.xml
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
patching file xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
patching file configure.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 1203 (offset 30 lines).
patching file lib/libcec/Makefile
patching file tools/darwin/depends/libcec/Makefile
APPLY PATCH: packages/mediacenter/xbmc-pvr/patches/xbmc-pvr-cbe2cf3-902.01-xvba_support-eb7c9d5b4988582b041b97c88903e1d771bdbc33.patch
patching file configure.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 100 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 208 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 1423 (offset 33 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1650 (offset 32 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 2029 (offset 31 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 2173 (offset 32 lines).
patching file language/English/strings.xml
patching file lib/UnrarXLib/extract.cpp
patching file lib/UnrarXLib/unpack.cpp
patching file lib/UnrarXLib/unpack15.cpp
patching file lib/ffmpeg/configure
patching file lib/ffmpeg/libavcodec/Makefile
patching file lib/ffmpeg/libavcodec/allcodecs.c
patching file lib/ffmpeg/libavcodec/h264.c
patching file lib/ffmpeg/libavcodec/mpegvideo.c
The next patch would create the file lib/ffmpeg/libavcodec/xvba.c,
which already exists! Assume -R? [n]
Display More
gibt es eigentlich auch irgendwo einen ARM port?
vdr-box: ich würde
- sources mit mv sichern
- alles löschen
- git clone
- sources mit mv zurück
- make...
machen. Empfiehlt sich eh hin und wieder. Außerdem sind die <url="http://sources.openelec.tv/tmp/image/openelec-pvr/">Builds</url> aber recht aktuell.
Kann man Openelec eigentlich auch auf mehreren Kernen bauen? Das baut ja schließlich ein komplettes System, klar das sowas dauert. Das anhängen eines handelsüblichen "-j4" ans make wird jedenfalls nicht weitergegeben.
ich versuche gerade _den_ HTPC für meine Mudder zurechtzubastel. Bin ziemlich begeistert von OpenELEC auf dem Testclient im Zusammenspiel mit meinem VDR-Server.
Bei meiner Mutter wird er einen eigenen vdr mitbringen müssen. Um das vorzubereiten kompiliere ich gerade selbst unter Ubuntu 12.04.
Leider bekomme ich diesen Fehler:
/home/kniepbert/OpenELEC.tv/build.OpenELEC_PVR-Fusion.x86_64-devel/toolchain/lib/gcc/x86_64-openelec-linux-gnu/4.6.2/../../../../x86_64-openelec-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
Ich habe schon versucht die gcc_s.so woanders hin zu verlinken oder die Pfade in LD_LIBRARY_PATH aufzunehmen, leider ohne Erfolg.
Was mache ich denn da?
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