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Liefert immer noch die selben Fehlermeldungen.
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Using syslog facility 'user' (8), log level set to (1)
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Calling mysql_library_init()
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Stylesheet '/etc/epgd/epgdata-utf-8.xsl' loaded
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking database connection ...
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Calling mysql_init(4257)
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: SQL client character now 'utf8'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table structure and indices ...
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'analyse'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'channelmap'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'components'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'episodes'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'events'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Field 'episode' not used anymore, to remove it call 'ALTER TABLE events DROP COLUMN episode;' manually
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Field 'episodepart' not used anymore, to remove it call 'ALTER TABLE events DROP COLUMN episodepart;' manually
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Field 'fsk' not used anymore, to remove it call 'ALTER TABLE events DROP COLUMN fsk;' manually
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Field 'info' not used anymore, to remove it call 'ALTER TABLE events DROP COLUMN info;' manually
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'fileref'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'imagerefs'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'images'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'messages'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'movie'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'movie_actor'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'movie_actors'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'movie_media'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'parameters'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'recordingdirs'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'recordingimages'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'recordinglist'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'searchtimers'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'series'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'series_actor'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'series_episode'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'series_media'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'snapshot'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'timers'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Missing field 'timers.ID', try to alter table
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Execute [alter table timers add column id INT(11) unsigned not null auto_increment]
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: SQL-Error in 'alter table timers add column id INT(11) unsigned not null auto_increment' - Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key (1075)
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: SQL-Error in 'alterAddField()' - Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key (1075) '' [alter table timers add column id INT(11) unsigned not null auto_increment]
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Info: Definition of field 'timers.EVENTID' modified, try to alter table
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Execute [alter table timers modify column eventid INT(11) unsigned comment 'useid' ]
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'timersdone'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'useevents'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'users'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table 'vdrs'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(4257)
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Checking table structure and indices succeeded
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Calling mysql_init(4257)
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: State now 'init'
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Unknown column 'id' in 'field list' (1054) 'Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'' [select _starttime, action, active, autotimerid, autotimerinssp, autotimername, aux, channelid, childlock, day, directory, doneid, endtime, eventid, expression, file, id, info, inssp, lifetime, namingmode, priority, retrys, source, starttime, state, tccmailcnt, template, type, updsp, vdruuid, vps, weekdays, wrncount from timers where id = ? and vdruuid = ?;]
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(4257)
Aug 7 11:30:17 VDR epgd: Scheduled next update in 10 second(s)
Aug 7 11:30:18 VDR epgd: Trying to re-connect to database!
Aug 7 11:30:18 VDR epgd: Calling mysql_init(4257)
Aug 7 11:30:18 VDR epgd: SQL-Error in 'prepare(stmt_prepare)' - Unknown column 'id' in 'field list' (1054) 'Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'' [select _starttime, action, active, autotimerid, autotimerinssp, autotimername, aux, channelid, childlock, day, directory, doneid, endtime, eventid, expression, file, id, info, inssp, lifetime, namingmode, priority, retrys, source, starttime, state, tccmailcnt, template, type, updsp, vdruuid, vps, weekdays, wrncount from timers where id = ? and vdruuid = ?;]
Aug 7 11:30:18 VDR epgd: Retry #1 failed, retrying in 60 seconds!
Aug 7 11:30:18 VDR epgd: Closing mysql connection and calling mysql_thread_end(4257)
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Wenn ich mir die Ausgabe so ansehe, dann scheint er ja die Spalte hinzufügen zu wollen, kommt damit aber nicht zum Ziel.