Posts by carel

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Running with Psatip -d 3 using default port 553 did not change anything.

    minisatip recognizes the three adapters

    Just the error lines in the client, I still have a picture


    Each time I switch channel I get below lines in the log, although it doesn't seem to have any impact.

    vdr[937050]: [937055] SATIP-ERROR: bool cSatipFrontends::Attach(int, int) no Frontend found for attaching deviceID 0 (TP 274)
    vdr[937050]: [937055] SATIP-ERROR: bool cSatipFrontends::Attach(int, int) no Frontend found for attaching deviceID 0 (TP 274)
    vdr[937050]: [937055] SATIP-ERROR: bool cSatipFrontends::Attach(int, int) no Frontend found for attaching deviceID 0 (TP 274)
    vdr[937050]: [937055] SATIP-ERROR: bool cSatipFrontends::Attach(int, int) no Frontend found for attaching deviceID 0 (TP 386)
    vdr[937050]: [937055] SATIP-ERROR: bool cSatipFrontends::Attach(int, int) no Frontend found for attaching deviceID 0 (TP 386)
    vdr[937050]: [937055] SATIP-ERROR: bool cSatipFrontends::Attach(int, int) no Frontend found for attaching deviceID 0 (TP 386)

    Does the plugin start counting from 0 or 1? Currently starting as follows:

    -Psatip -d 3 -s meterkast:8554|DVBC-3|minisatip

    I'm using minisatip on a RPI4:

    minisatip --enable-adapters 0-2 --delsys 0:dvbc,1:dvbc,2:dvbc --logfile /var/log/minisatip/minisatip.log --http-port 8080 --rtsp-port 8554


    satip.CICAM = 0 0
    satip.DisabledFilters = 3 4
    satip.DisabledSources =
    satip.EnableCIExtension = 0
    satip.EnableEITScan = 0
    satip.EnableFrontendReuse = 1
    satip.OperatingMode = 1
    satip.TransportMode = 0

    Any idea what it can be? something wrongly set?


    Below my an example of a more 'standard' vlc streamer for general 'iptv' from the web:

    /usr/bin/vlc -I dummy -v --network-caching=4000 --live-caching 2000 --http-reconnect --http-user-agent='Mozilla/5.0' --http-referrer="<url>" "<link to m3u8>" --sout #standard{access=udp,mux=ts{use-key-frames,pid-video=100,pid-audio=200,pid-spu=4096,tsid=4711},dst=localhost:4320}

    In a script:

    $VLC $VERBOSE $NETWORK_CACHING --http-reconnect --http-user-agent="Mozilla/5.0" --http-referrer="$REFERRER"  "${URL}" --sout \
    "#standard{access=udp,mux=ts{use-key-frames,pid-video=${VPID},pid-audio=${APID},pid-spu=${PID_SPU},tsid=${TID}},dst=${HOST}:${PORT}}" \
    &>"$LOG_FILE" &

    Some web sites want the referrer URL in the http header, use this to avoid a 403 error

    When you want VLC to always chose the highest resolution use:

    --adaptive-logic highest

    Hi Paulaner,

    ffmpeg reads the stream just fine, the issue is with the UDP streaming.

    When you tune to the test channel the first time, can you then please check if you see just one ffmpeg process? Or even vlc?

    If there are, for some reason, that will lead to conflicts in the UDP stream.

    Just to be sure we have all signals available to kill ffmpeg, add HUP to it:

    trap 'kill -SIGKILL ${PID} 2>/dev/null; exit' INT TERM KILL HUP

    And please don't forget before you test:

    sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2097152
    sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=2097152
    sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=2097152
    sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=2097152

    Maybe an idea to add to /etc/rc.local (if that's available)

    If it fails, try this from SHF


    Hier ein Link zum Thema UDP und Puffer:

    Monitoring the UDP Socket Buffer

    Hi Paulaner

    I still don’t understand why your ffmpeg based script is not working well.

    I compiled ffmpeg 4.4.2 on my test system and it’s working well. (Not with all your options, don’t need all those)

    Important options during execution are:



    And sufficiently high



    Just to be sure, execute below

    sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2097152
    sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=2097152
    sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=2097152
    sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=2097152

    And if all ‘PIDs’ match it should work

    I think this is (also) related to your problem:

    I'm not seeing that on my side

    [hls @ 0x559eef0fda00] No longer receiving playlist 2 ('')
    [hls @ 0x559eef0fda00] No longer receiving playlist 4 ('')
    [hls @ 0x559eef0fda00] No longer receiving playlist 1 ('')
    [hls @ 0x559eef0fda00] No longer receiving playlist 3 ('')
    [hls @ 0x559eef0fda00] No longer receiving playlist 5 ('')

    With regards to the vlc2iptv script, just kill -9 vlc when switching channel:

    Change trap line like below

    trap 'kill -KILL  ${PID} 2> /dev/null' INT EXIT QUIT TERM KILL

    Maybe not very gentle but effective

    Runs like a charm

    This is my ffmpeg command running:

    ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -user_agent Mozilla/5.0 -reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 1 -probesize 8000000 -analyzeduration 8000000 -f hls -http_persistent 0 -re -i -codec:v copy -codec:a copy -streamid 0:100 -streamid 1:200 -flush_packets -1 -f mpegts -mpegts_transport_stream_id 2836 -mpegts_pmt_start_pid 4096 -mpegts_service_id 6016 -mpegts_original_network_id 65281 udp://brix:4320?pkt_size=1316&buffer_size=65536&overrun_nonfatal=1

    Try to find obvious difference with your ffmpeg while running ‘HSE’

    Especially this part is important


    Hello jojo61

    I have a problem with mpv and softhddrm on x86_64

    When I stop playing a video file mpv stops and softhddrm crashes reproducibly


    ffmpeg version 6.1.1

    Shaders are not compiled in softhddrm

    -P"softhddrm -g 1920x1080+0+0 -r 50 -a plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=3 -p plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=3 -w alsa-no-test"
    -P"mpv -v gpu -h auto -c drm -a alsa -b /files/Media/Video\'s -m Videos -s" 

    softhddrm settings

    mpv settings:

    Maybe you can find the problem!

    [hls @ 0x55a214a58a00] Could not find codec parameters for stream 4 (Audio: aac ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 0 channels, fltp): unspecified sample rate
    Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (2000000) and 'probesize' (2000000) options
    [hls @ 0x55a214a58a00] Could not find codec parameters for stream 6 (Video: h264 ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), none): unspecified size
    Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (2000000) and 'probesize' (2000000) options
    [hls @ 0x55a214a58a00] Could not find codec parameters for stream 7 (Audio: aac ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 0 channels, fltp): unspecified sample rate
    Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' (2000000) and 'probesize' (2000000) options

    Can you set

    PROBESIZE="5000000" # bytes, 5MB default
    ANALYZEDURATION="5000000" # ms, 5 sec. default

    In the script?

    If ffmpeg still complains then increase with 1000000 until it's happy

    Lower values increase zapping speed, but here it's too low

    [MPEGTS muxer @ 0x55a217eb5dc0] Error setting option mpegts_transport_stream_id to value 0.

    Please configure your channels.conf with TID, SID and NID:

    And you need (random but unique) values for SID, and TID in channels.conf. NID can be 65281 for all channels. Example:
    Das Erste HD;IPTV:1010:S=0|P=1|F=EXT|U=ffmpeg2iptv_raw|A=1:I:0:258=27:256=@15;257=@122:0:0:100:65281:200:0
    Here I chose 100 and 200
    Next line might have 300 and 400
    And so on