Posts by dplu

    Hi Herrlado

    I have tested and it works now for streaming live TV and recordings also, many freeze due to heavy traffic network but it is more part of live plugin developper. Setup vdr entry do not crash any more the android app

    Thanks for giving us this very nice tool

    Have a nice day

    Kind regards

    I have tested the stream on my mandriva, it is OK, I play the stream with Daroon player on my archos pad , play also but some freeze due to network charge

    I will look deeper tomorrow, I surely miss something on my setup ...

    I keep you informed

    have a nice evening

    Thanks for Report. If will fix it.

    If you click this link, than a pop up window appears and below it the link with reclist.html etc. Copy this and try to play on your pc. I think vlc is historicaly there and vlc is not involved on the server. Anyway to play this stream you must not need vlc on your desktop.


    I have a new crash when selecting a checkbox on the setup menu, I send you the full log via the android market

    The record streaming do not work, I have setuped the port , activate the option but nothing .. there is no crash
    I think it comes from the live plugin and the way I setup it maybe, when trying from the webif system show a link like
    meaning vlc is involved (not sure) but do not have vlc on my computer

    I will try to search more

    Have a nice evening and thanks for the good work


    Thanks for your answer, info says 0.4.2 , I have check on android market , this is the release available currently

    Maybe this is the explanation ?

    I will be able to test other this evening if available

    Best regards

    Streaming recordings is not yet working :(

    Can you tell me, which version the app says if you click Info in main screen? The current version should be 0.4.4 and the streaming should also work.


    I have send the two crash reports, they start with "DPLU xxx"

    They occur when saving the vdr setting and returning back to main frame + when trying to stream a live channels

    There is a good news, I have updated the android application and now the app dialog with vdr and retrieve epg , channels list etc so I have remove the auto update from the market to be sure the app is in phase with the vdr plugin (and manage myself releasing); my tablet is Archos G8 101IT (, Android 2.2.1

    Thanks for your help and this application

    PS : My german is not very good but I do not understand : is the recording streaming working or not ? It seems system try to do it and show the exact path to record and nothing more


    Which Android version do you have? After you see the abnormal end message please use Send Logs (from market) to deliver me the logs.


    I have updated today the plugin to 0.6 release (28/12/2011 16:12) due to update of android application

    Nothing is working now , I can define my vdr machines but when I try to get channels list or other function, android application try to connect and send a message : "Connection finish abnormal" .. and no more

    Can you tell me in which direction I may watch to see what wrong please

    Thanks for your help, I really appreciate this nice application, hope this will continue to work on my system

    Best regards


    Thanks for application, the epg channel displayed is the good one, this problem is fixed now

    For the test I setup system for ISO-8859-1

    Regarding encoding, the charset conversion works for title and for short description but app has violent crash when trying to display detailled EPG information (processus de.bjusystems.vdrmanager has closed abruptely)

    I try to revert back to UTF-8 but crash is still there

    Channels names are also well encoded, same thing for the name of sections inside channels list

    Many thanks for time you spend on this nice application, I can continue to test easyly on my pad

    Kind regards


    Thanks for the fix, it was not very urgent as long there is a way to workaround to check epg

    I am not very familiar with iconv, I use it to convert file with different charset, but how to program it is a very different question, VDR store epg with the charset exprimed in override variable and I suppose my pad is displaying only utf-8, maybe a conv to utf8 before sending datas to the pad

    For now I live without it, most important is basic functions and streaming ; very pleasant to use and I will test it asap outside my local network

    Thanks and kind regards


    Thanks for this plugin and android application, works perfectly on an archos 101 IT pad including live streaming

    There is just one bug on channels list, when you touch long a channel line , the streaming really stream the desired channel but ... the function show epg show wrong channel epg information

    I think it comes from the section with hole in numbering between sections

    Example :

    So when selection Epg information on channels 41 TF1 CSAT , system show epg of 41 st line of channels list .. which is not channel 41 Then when selecting the good channel in epg screen, it is OK

    By the way, did you plan in a future to insert iconv function , my system is ISO8859-1 and display ? chars on every accentued chars , this is managed by the CHARSET OVERRIDE function before vdr startup

    Many thanks for your work, very happy to use it

    Kind regards


    Please find updated and new logo for French Canalsat + some freesat UK , The channel SYFY Universal has been renamed as SYFY , I update logo accordingly

    Link :

    I have a question on several logos for one channels : for regular show the logo is in color, for movies, it is fade grey scale and different of course. How can we manage that please ?

    Many thanks for your help and for the markad software

    Best regards


    Originally posted by Joe_D

    Thanks for the snippt, please try latest git-Version: http://projects.vdr-developer.…a0db95df1fd24a55ed;sf=tgz



    Many thanks for this pre version, I just test it, the start is OK, there is a little problem on end mark (sorry) ..

    Here is my new file

    [root@acer24 2011-03-]# cat marks
    0:00:00.01 detected logo start (0)*
    0:01:01.12 stop of recording (1536)

    but I cannot see it on my screen or seek to with the 9 key , the 7 key goes back to previous mark OK

    As last example I have made a sample records with logo displayed during all footage

    the log show nothing unusual

    this is not very important for now, if you want the records directory, I can send it if you want

    Have a nice afternoon

    Hi Joe_D

    I just test 0.1.0 and I have a problem , I have started an instant recording on a std SD FTA channels and break it 2 minutes after, Markad was setuped as "fresh default" setup

    the content of marks file is :

    [root@acer24 2011-02-]# cat marks
    0:01:52.09 assuming stop (2808)
    1495:48:44.13 detected logo start (134623112)*

    it seems that marks are out of bounds, unable to navigate on them, as long logo was there during all the recording time, I was assumling start was zero and end the footage length

    I upload the records directory if you want to test (62 Mo uncompressed)

    Thanks for your help and have a nice evening


    Originally posted by henfri
    das verstehe ich nicht. Was meinst du damit?

    I have problem with noad , it do not support multiple call when concurrent recordings finish, it break every time, no support for h264, it is blind to some part of movie
    Markad do all, the price to pay is, as you said, to extract logo of channels


    PS : Sorry my German is not enough fluent to try to write it ..


    Originally posted by henfri

    warum benötigt MarkAd eigentlich die Logos als Datei, während NoAd ohne auskommt?
    Auch NoAd verwendt doch eine Logoerkennung, oder?


    but noad often failed when markad is very precise for the cut , sometimes it is annoying because logo appear seconds after the movie restart (blame on provider)



    Originally posted by Joe_D

    The option is not new, you just cannot use it like this -L=1, instead you have to use -L 1

    Ok I understand better now, the help says :

    -L             [B] --extractlogo=<direction>[/B][,width[,height]]
                      extracts logo to /tmp as pgm files (must be renamed)
                      <direction>  0 = top left,    1 = top right
                                   2 = bottom left, 3 = bottom right
                      [width]  range from 50 to 480, default 192 (SD)
                                                     default 288 (HD)
                      [height] range from 20 to 170, default 100

    That's why I though the equal sign was mandatory, bad though of course, now it works
    Many thanks for your help

    Best regards

    Gut abend Joe_D

    if (macontext->Video.Info.Pix_Fmt!=0) && (macontext->Video.Info.Pix_Fmt!=12)

    compile and void error if you replace with

    if ((macontext->Video.Info.Pix_Fmt!=0) && (macontext->Video.Info.Pix_Fmt!=12))

    but produce black pictures .. that's not important

    I have made a new try with latest git, now error message on HD channels has disappear but logo on top right are still not extracted. I have made several test with -L=1 to 3 and no change, if != 0 then allways extract the bottom left of video, I have check picture against video

    Please find here a tar file with two differents records having logos on top right (size=30Mo)

    I hope this will help you

    Many thanks for this nice program who solve noad problem with h264 recordings

    Best regards