Posts by micky979


    Thank you for response.

    I did not specify :-(, I do not use the plugin skinenigmang but only fonts skinenigmang-fonts-20070704.tgz.

    I use the plugins skinsoppalusikka.

    Is it possible to rebuild the fonts Vicon.ttf and with what tools ? I could try to move the symbols to another location and allowing me to have the accented characters in VDR.



    I used skinenigmang-fonts-20070704.tgz to get the symbols with extrecmenu.

    But some characters used in France are replaced by symbols. For example, the characters ô, ù ...

    Are there any other possible solutions for the symbols in extrecmenu without replacement of characters used in france with the symbols ?

    Is it possible to use Vicon.ttf or ViconBd.ttf just to extrecmenu and other VDR menu, use fonts conventional my system?

    With skinenigma, I must use the local iso-8859-1, with the UTF-8 that does not work. Is it normal?

    Thank you.


    Afflicted, I post in English because I not talk German.

    I test VDR-1.5.14, but I have a problem to compile reelchannelscan.

    Here is the log compiled of reelchannelscan :

    g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-parentheses -fPIC -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -DPLUGIN_NAME_I18N='"reelchannelscan"' -DVDRDIR=\"../../..\" -DNDEBUG -DWITH_EIT -I/usr/src/multiproto/linux/include -I../../../include -I/usr/src/multiproto/linux/include transponders.c
    transponders.c: In member function ‘virtual bool cSatTransponder::SetTransponderData(cChannel*, int)’:
    transponders.c:129: error: no matching function for call to ‘cChannel::SetSatTransponderData(int&, int&, char&, int&, int&)’
    ../../../include/vdr/channels.h:221: note: candidates are: bool cChannel::SetSatTransponderData(int, int, char, int, int, int, int, int)
    transponders.c: In member function ‘virtual bool cTerrTransponder::SetTransponderData(cChannel*, int)’:
    transponders.c:226: error: no matching function for call to ‘cChannel::SetTerrTransponderData(int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&)’
    ../../../include/vdr/channels.h:223: note: candidates are: bool cChannel::SetTerrTransponderData(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
    make[1]: *** [transponders.o] Erreur 1

    Do you have a patch or a modification ?



    It is possible to use the fix on Debian and with the sources of v4l-dvb to compile the fix?

    For which place it is necessary to copy fix_eeprom.c and which is the Makefile file to be modified

    Thank you


    I slightly modified the sources of ttxtsubs. I do not know if my modification are awkward or not for the plugin.

    Could you say to me if the modifications are awkward. Thank you.

    It is automatic on a little more chain. But for certain chains it does not go on the good page, I think.

    But it does not indicate any more a “bad to me section lengt”.



    I have just tested on SF 1 and the result is the same one.

    As soon as I passed manually and that I returned the code of the page, it was good.

    cPluginTtxtsubs::StartTtxtLive(devicenr: 0, pid: 32, page: 089)

    Could you indicate to me if there is a procedure particular to follow for the install of ttxtsubs.

    Thank you


    Thank you for your answer, I will test on this chain to see whether that goes better.

    But I had old a patch ttxtsubs-0.0.5 which found the pid subtitles but it did not return towards the good page.

    For this reason I thought that the automatic mode functioned.



    Afflicted, I post in English because not controlling too German.

    I installed vdr-1.4.5 with the patch…-liemikuutio-1.13.diff.gz and…nd-ttxtsubs-0.0.5.diff.gz

    I then installed ttxtsubs found at this adress…dr/vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5.tgz and I applied the patch…purimylly-edition.diff.gz

    When I am on a chain diffusing of the subtitles in automatic mode, I have this in console:

    bad section length: 68 / 52b!
    bad section length: 68 / 52b!
    bad section length: 68 / 52b!
    bad section length: 68 / 52b!
    ttxtsubs: Error: GetTtxtInfo failed!

    As soon as I pass in manual mode and that I return the number of page which is 889, I have the subtitles in VDR and I have the following message in console:

    cPluginTtxtsubs::StartTtxtLive(devicenr: 0, pid: 940, page: 089)

    Does it exist a solution for that that works in automatic method ?

    The tests were carried out on the chains of bouquet TPS and CSAT.

    Thank you in advance for your councils.



    Thank you for the patch.

    The make.config.template of the last version is not complete. It misses the DEFINES and the endif for YAEPG.


    Afflicted for English but I do not speak German.
