Posts by pixelpeter

    Hallo wirbel,

    nein hat nichts gebracht.

    jetzt sieht es sogar so aus:

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1868] SATIP-ERROR: failed to send section data (186 bytes) [device=0]

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/70) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/70) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/56) read incomplete section - len = 1115, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/70) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/56) read incomplete section - len = 1115, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:56 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/70) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/70) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1868] SATIP-ERROR: failed to send section data (186 bytes) [device=0]

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/70) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/56) read incomplete section - len = 1115, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/80) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/80) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1868] SATIP-ERROR: failed to send section data (186 bytes) [device=0]

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/80) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/80) read incomplete section - len = 2051, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 3, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1869] tp 111493 (5100/00) read incomplete section - len = 259, r = 4096

    Jan 10 18:22:57 vdr2 vdr[1863]: [1868] SATIP-ERROR: failed to send section data (186 bytes) [device=0]


    Wenn ich das Plugin mit nur einem Frontend starte dann habe ich den Fehler nicht, bzw nur zwei drei Zeilen.

    -P'satip -s|DVBS2-1:S19.2E|minisatip:0x80'

    Das Log wird auch nicht sofort, sondern erst nach ca einer Minute geflutet. Eventuell der EPG Scan auf dem zweiten device?



    Ich teste ja gerade mit dem satip plugin.

    Unter Debian buster gibt es den Fehler mit dem sectionfilter nicht, unter debian testing kernel 6.5.0 tritt das hier auch massiv auf.

    Auch mit dem Fehlercode 32.

    Was mir dabei auffällt sind die dropped packets unter RX

    enp2s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500

    inet netmask broadcast

    inet6 fe80::ea9c:25ff:fe79:97fc prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>

    ether e8:9c:25:79:97:fc txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

    RX packets 176904 bytes 235407876 (224.5 MiB)

    RX errors 0 dropped 502 overruns 0 frame 0

    TX packets 1158 bytes 399733 (390.3 KiB)

    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0


    Hi wirbel,

    Keine Ahnung was hier schief läuft.

    librepfunc wird durch ldconfig gefunden.

    root@vdr1:~# ldconfig -v | grep librepfunc

    ldconfig: Kann »stat()« für »/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu« nicht aufrufen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

    ldconfig: Pfad »/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu« mehrfach angegeben

    ldconfig: Pfad »/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu« mehrfach angegeben

    ldconfig: Pfad »/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu« mehrfach angegeben

    ldconfig: Pfad »/usr/lib« mehrfach angegeben ->

    Die kompilierung des Plugin bringt keine Fehler:

    *** Plugin satip:

    CC satip.o

    CC common.o

    CC config.o

    CC device.o

    CC discover.o

    CC msearch.o

    CC param.o

    CC poller.o

    CC rtp.o

    CC rtcp.o

    CC rtsp.o

    CC sectionfilter.o

    CC server.o

    CC setup.o

    CC socket.o

    CC statistics.o

    CC tuner.o


    GT po/satip.pot

    PO po/ca_ES.po

    MO po/

    PO po/de_DE.po

    MO po/

    PO po/es_ES.po

    MO po/

    PO po/fi_FI.po

    MO po/

    PO po/pl_PL.po

    MO po/

    *** Plugin softhddevice:

    make[1]: Für das Ziel „all“ ist nichts zu tun.

    allerding ergibt ldd auf das Plugin keinen Verweis zu der (0x00007ffeec783000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7b33d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7b300000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7b133000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7afef000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7afd5000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ae01000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7add2000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7adb1000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ad92000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ad5d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ad49000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7acb6000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a800000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ac61000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ac0b000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7abfa000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7abec000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7abcf000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7abab000)

    /lib64/ (0x00007fdd7b442000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a67e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a400000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ab62000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ab1a000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a37f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a25f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ab12000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a185000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a64e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7ab0c000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7aafb000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a634000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a617000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a162000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a02e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a601000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a008000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd7a001000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fdd79ff5000)

    Ich nutze aktuell das satip plugin von rotafor, habe hier allerdings immer mal das Problem das ein Kanal dunkel bleibt.

    Hatte Hoffnung das es mit deiner Version nicht pasiert.

    Ich setze aber gerade einen neuen VDR auf Intelbasis mit Debian bookworm auf, da teste ich das noch mal


    Hallo wirbel,

    ich bekomme das plugin aus dem git leider nicht zum laufen.

    ERROR: /vdr/plugins/ undefined symbol: _Z9UpperCaseNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

    die librepfunc habe ich installiert



    Ich hebe den vtuner aktuell im Einsatz, vorher satip plugin.

    Läuft ohne auffälligkeiten, Umschaltzeiten sind bei mir im Vergleich zum Plugin gleich geblieben.

    Beim Plugin hatte ich ab und zu das Problem das beim Umschalten kein Bild kam, das ist hier bisher nicht aufgetreten.

    Als Server nutze ich minisatip.



    Aktuell teste ich mit dem satip Plugin.

    Bisher läuft es stabil, ich merke keinen Unterschied zu einer localen Karte.

    Lediglich das sylog müllt mit diesem Eintrag zu:

    Dec 5 17:51:44 vdr1 vdr[2309]: [2320] [poller.c,118]: epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_DEL) failed: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

    Kan mir jemand sagen mit was dies zusammenhängt?

    Als server nutze ich minisatip und das Plugin hat die Version 2.4.1


    Hallo rüsseltier,

    Ja funktioniert.

    Wichtig war auch noch in der xorg den Treiber "modesetting" einzustellen.

    Mit "intel" hatte ich kein Erfolg.

    Ich überlege meine Uralt Atom mit Nvidia gegen den neuen zu tauschen.

    Muss mal sehen wie sich die deinterlacer schlagen.


    Hallo Stefan,

    Danke für die Info.

    iHD scheint der richtige zu sein.

    libva info: VA-API version 1.20.0

    libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/

    libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_20

    libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0

    vainfo: VA-API version: 1.20 (libva 2.12.0)

    vainfo: Driver version: Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 23.3.5 ()

    vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints

    VAProfileNone : VAEntrypointVideoProc

    VAProfileNone : VAEntrypointStats

    VAProfileMPEG2Simple : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileMPEG2Main : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileH264Main : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileH264Main : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileJPEGBaseline : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileJPEGBaseline : VAEntrypointEncPicture

    VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileVP8Version0_3 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileHEVCMain10 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain10 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileVP9Profile0 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileVP9Profile0 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileVP9Profile1 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileVP9Profile1 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileVP9Profile2 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileVP9Profile2 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileVP9Profile3 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileVP9Profile3 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileHEVCMain12 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain422_10 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain422_12 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain444 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain444 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileHEVCMain444_10 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCMain444_10 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileHEVCMain444_12 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain10 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain10 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain444 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain444 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP

    VAProfileAV1Profile0 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain444_10 : VAEntrypointVLD

    VAProfileHEVCSccMain444_10 : VAEntrypointEncSliceLP


    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 root[2322]: libva info: VA-API version 1.20.0

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 root[2322]: libva info: User environment variable requested driver 'i965'

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 root[2322]: libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 root[2322]: libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_8

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 root[2322]: libva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ init failed

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 root[2322]: libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 vdr[2323]: video/vaapi: Can't inititialize VA-API on 'localhost:0'

    Nov 26 14:43:42 vdr2 vdr[2323]: video: 'va-api-egl' output module isn't supported

    In xorg.log this error:

    Initializing extension GLX

    [ 407.011] (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

    [ 407.011] (EE) AIGLX error: unable to load driver i965

    the file is not in the folder!

    root@vdr2:/home/vdr# apt-file search



    Hi lnj,

    The Error vaSyncSurface failed is by parameter -v -va-api-egl not -v va-api-glx.

    Here is the complete Log from start to crash:

    Nov 26 13:55:30 vdr2 systemd[1]: Started session-1.scope - Session 1 of User vdr.

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] VDR version 2.6.4 started

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] switched to user 'vdr'

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] codeset is 'UTF-8' - known

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading plugin: /vdr/plugins/

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading plugin: /vdr/plugins/

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/setup.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/sources.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/diseqc.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/channels.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/timers.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/commands.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/reccmds.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/svdrphosts.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/remote.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/keymacros.conf

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] no DVB device found

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] initializing plugin: softhddevice (2.0.6): Ein Software und GPU emuliertes UHD-Gerät

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] initializing plugin: live (3.3.2): Live Interactive VDR Environment

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] setting primary device to 1

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] setting current skin to "sttng"

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /vdr/etc/themes/sttng-default.theme

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] starting plugin: softhddevice

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio: 'alsa' output module used

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio/alsa: supports pause: yes

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio: 44100Hz supports 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 channels

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio: 48000Hz supports 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 channels

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio: 192000Hz supports 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 channels

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]: libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3 capable

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]: libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]:

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]: libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]:

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]: libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 root[776]:

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: libva 1.20 (Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 23.3.5 ()) initialized

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: background-color is supported

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: supports video processing

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 1 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 3 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [softhddev] ready

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] starting plugin: live

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] live: initial file cache has 96 entries and needs 438321 bytes of data!

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [791] live: INFO: attempt to listen on ip = ''

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: [791] live: ERROR: Unable to load cert/key (/vdr/etc/plugins/live/live.pem / /vdr/etc/plugins/live/live-key.pem): Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 1 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 13:56:44 vdr2 vdr[777]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 3 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 13:56:54 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] switching to channel 1 S19.2E-1-1019-10301 (Das Erste HD)

    Nov 26 13:56:54 vdr2 vdr[777]: [808] SVDRP vdr2 opening port 6419/tcp

    Nov 26 13:56:54 vdr2 vdr[777]: [808] SVDRP vdr2 listening on port 6419/tcp

    Nov 26 13:56:54 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] info: Kanal nicht verfügbar!

    Nov 26 13:56:57 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] [softhddev] Copy 123 0 123 not implemented in OpenGl OSD

    Nov 26 13:57:00 vdr2 vdr[777]: [796] live: DH: ------ RecordingsTree::RecordingsTree() --------, required time: 0,05468

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] replay /media/vdrvideo/N24_-_Die_Reportage_XXL/2010-10-

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: [777] loading /media/vdrvideo/N24_-_Die_Reportage_XXL/2010-10-

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio/alsa: using device 'hw:0,1'

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: audio/alsa: start delay 128ms

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: codec: YUV 420 supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: codec: YUV 422 supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Using entrypoint for vpp: 10

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: can't destroy postproc context!

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: can't destroy config!

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: noise reduction supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: 0,00 - 64,00 ++ 1,00 = 0,00

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Enabling denoise filter (pos = 0)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 1 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 3 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: deinterlacing supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: bob deinterlace supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: motion adaptive deinterlace supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: motion compensated deinterlace supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Enabling Deint (pos = 1)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: sharpening supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: 0,00 - 64,00 ++ 1,00 = 44,00

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Enabling sharpening filter (pos = 0)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: enabling color balance filters

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: Supported color balance filter count: 5

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Hue (-180,00 - 180,00 ++ 0,10 = 0,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Saturation (0,00 - 10,00 ++ 0,01 = 1,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Brightness (-100,00 - 100,00 ++ 0,10 = 0,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Contrast (0,00 - 10,00 ++ 0,01 = 1,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: AutoContrast (0,00 - 0,00 ++ 0,00 = 0,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: skin tone enhancement supported

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: 0,00 - 9,00 ++ 1,00 = 3,00

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Enabling skin tone filter (pos = 3)

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: unsupported filter #06

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: unsupported filter #08

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: unsupported filter #09

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Allocating 0 forward reference surfaces for postprocessing

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: Allocating 0 backward reference surfaces for postprocessing

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:05 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x0000000b, which is not in use

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video: output buffer full, dropping frame (2/5)

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: synced after 14 frames

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x0000000d, which is not in use

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video: output buffer full, dropping frame (3/8)

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x0000000f, which is not in use

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video: output buffer full, dropping frame (4/11)

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x00000011, which is not in use

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 vdr[777]: video/vaapi: out of surfaces

    Nov 26 13:57:06 vdr2 root[776]: Aborted


    Ich habe mir zum testen das

    ASUS Prime N100I-D D4 gekauft.

    Meine ersten Schritte von softdevice kommen allerdings nicht weit.

    Mit diesem Aufruf bekomme ich ein OSD und auch ein Bild:

    "softhddevice -d localhost:0 -v va-api-egl -a hw:0,1 -p hw:0,1 -w no-hw-decoder"

    Die CPU Last liegt hier cei ca. 20%

    mit diesem Aufruf beendet sich der VDR.

    "softhddevice -d localhost:0 -v va-api-egl -a hw:0,1 -p hw:0,1"

    syslog wirft das hier:

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: [5778] resuming replay at index 1068 (0:00:42.18)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: audio/alsa: using device 'hw:0,1'

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: audio/alsa: start delay 128ms

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: codec: YUV 420 supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: codec: YUV 422 supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Using entrypoint for vpp: 10

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: can't destroy postproc context!

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: can't destroy config!

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: noise reduction supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: 0,00 - 64,00 ++ 1,00 = 0,00

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Enabling denoise filter (pos = 0)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 1 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Selected deinterlacer for resolution 3 is not supported by HW

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: deinterlacing supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: bob deinterlace supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: motion adaptive deinterlace supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: motion compensated deinterlace supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Enabling Deint (pos = 1)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: sharpening supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: 0,00 - 64,00 ++ 1,00 = 44,00

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Enabling sharpening filter (pos = 0)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: enabling color balance filters

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: Supported color balance filter count: 5

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Hue (-180,00 - 180,00 ++ 0,10 = 0,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Saturation (0,00 - 10,00 ++ 0,01 = 1,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Brightness (-100,00 - 100,00 ++ 0,10 = 0,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Contrast (0,00 - 10,00 ++ 0,01 = 1,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: AutoContrast (0,00 - 0,00 ++ 0,00 = 0,00) (pos = 2)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: skin tone enhancement supported

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: 0,00 - 9,00 ++ 1,00 = 3,00

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Enabling skin tone filter (pos = 3)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: unsupported filter #06

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: unsupported filter #08

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: unsupported filter #09

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Allocating 0 forward reference surfaces for postprocessing

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: Allocating 0 backward reference surfaces for postprocessing

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x0000000b, which is not in use

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video: output buffer full, dropping frame (2/5)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: synced after 14 frames

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x0000000d, which is not in use

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video: output buffer full, dropping frame (3/8)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x0000000f, which is not in use

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video: output buffer full, dropping frame (4/11)

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: vaSyncSurface failed

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: release surface 0x00000011, which is not in use

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 vdr[5749]: video/vaapi: out of surfaces

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 root[5748]: Aborted

    Nov 26 11:46:52 vdr2 runvdr[5726]: restarting VDR

    Eventuell kann mir hier jemand aus der Intel Fraktion einen Tipp geben.

    System ist debian bookworm

    vdr 2.6.4

    softhddevice 2.0.6



    Bei mir werden die Treiber bei einem Neustart via Menü definitiv nicht neu initialisiert.

    Bei mir ist es auch nicht die 3650, sondern eine Nova s2.

    Netzteil sowohl für den Stick als auch für den VDR ist schon getauscht.

    Bezüglich der Temperatur werde ich mal schauen. Aber. Das Problem betrifft wie schon beschrieben nur einen Transponder.

    Kann sein das es Tagelang geht, dann ist das Problem da und geht nicht mehr weg.

    Bisher ging ich davon aus das nur ein kompletter Systemneustart hilft, es reicht aber auch nur über das Menü neu zu starten.

    Im Prinzip kann man da ja Empfangsprobleme, Netzteil usw. Ausschließen.ich Nuss mal sehen ob man für den dvb Treiber eventuell das Debug logging einschalten kann.
