ich wollte mal hier den Client für Linux zum vompserver Plugin version 0.3.0
vorstellen. Hiermit wäre jedes Linuxgerät mit KDE4 ein potenzieller
VDR Client mit Live TV etc...
Es happert wohl noch mit dem Übersetzen auf einigen Linuxsystemen.
Als Basis sollte der Vomp Extension Dongle/Server Version 0.3.0-7 dienen.
[ANNOUNCE] Vomp Extension Dongle/Server Version 0.3.0-7
QtVomp - Vomp Client for Linux
Only the source tar ball is provided, so you need to compile QtVomp by yourself.
* Qt 4.4
* Phonon-Xine-Backend out of KDE 4.1 (only runtime dependency)
* VDR running Vompserver-plugin 0.3.0
* Installation instructions are in the INSTALL file
Supported features:
* Channel list with EPG entries
* Playing live-TV
* Playing recordings
* Playing MP3 files
Usage of the client:
The structure is similar to the normal Vomp usage, so it should feel familiar. Beside of the normal behavior of Vomp and common mouse handling of lists, buttons, etc following is not so obvious:
* Channel switching is done with Page Up/Down
* Double click on the video area switches in between full screen mode and windowed mode
* In full screen mode ESC returns to windowed mode
* In full screen mode Alt-F4 is deactivated
Known limitations:
* QtVomp cannot find the VDR server automatically, when run on a PC where an instance of VDR/Vomp is running. Use the command line argument -s <ip-address> then.
* Recordings don't support any jump forward / backward in the file, This is a "bug" in Phonon in combination with the VDR recordings format
* Some MP3 files don't play (Phonon issue)
* Have a look into the README file, some exceptions are explained in detail
* Does the file play with Dragonplayer? If not it is a Phonon issue.
* Is the Phonon-Xine-Backend default (see KDE System Settings - Sound - <tab> Backend)?
Current version: http://www.loggytronic.com/dl/qtvomp-0.3.0-alpha-1.tar.bz2