[ANNOUNCE] vdr-ttxtsubs 0.0.7

  • Da werde ich doch gleich heute mal probieren ob das mein Problem der Installation mit extp64 unter VDR 1.6.0-2 löst.

  • Quote

    Original von wilderigel
    was failt alles?....

    Ich hänge mal *.rej Files mal mit an.

  • Geht leider auch nicht. :(

  • Hi,

    Sorry for English, I don't speak German.

    The patch ttxtsub for version vdr-1.7.2 is available here : http://projects.vdr-developer.…2a872d44f48f13ae04700be3f

    available in raw : http://projects.vdr-developer.…2a872d44f48f13ae04700be3f

    Or the snapshot vdr-1.7.2 with the patch ttxtsub : http://projects.vdr-developer.…4f48f13ae04700be3f;sf=tgz

    best regards,

    Translation english to German (google) :

    Plugins : avards 0.1.4, burn-cvs, extrecmenu 1.1, femon 1.2.4, mp3 0.10.1, reelchannelscan 0.4.3, skinsoppalusikka 1.1.5, weatherng 0.0.10-dev

  • This Patch also don't work. :(

  • Your VDR is a vanilla version?

    Plugins : avards 0.1.4, burn-cvs, extrecmenu 1.1, femon 1.2.4, mp3 0.10.1, reelchannelscan 0.4.3, skinsoppalusikka 1.1.5, weatherng 0.0.10-dev

  • Quote

    Original von micky979
    Your VDR is a vanilla version?


    vdr02 VDR # uname -a
    Linux vdr02 2.6.26-gentoo-r3 #2 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 30 14:13:22 CET 2008 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    vdr02 VDR #
  • You can make a tarball of your version?

    Plugins : avards 0.1.4, burn-cvs, extrecmenu 1.1, femon 1.2.4, mp3 0.10.1, reelchannelscan 0.4.3, skinsoppalusikka 1.1.5, weatherng 0.0.10-dev

  • I wanted a tarball of your version of VDR because you reject all amendments to the patch.

    The patch Ttxtsubs is already applied on your version of VDR ? or a part ?

    Can you start with a vanilla version VDR?

    Plugins : avards 0.1.4, burn-cvs, extrecmenu 1.1, femon 1.2.4, mp3 0.10.1, reelchannelscan 0.4.3, skinsoppalusikka 1.1.5, weatherng 0.0.10-dev

    Edited once, last by micky979 ().

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