erstmal vielen dank für das neue XXV läuft supper ....
Habe jetzt doch noch 2 Fehler entdeckt ....
Status und Share haben Syntax Fehler ist das nur bei mir so ..
Habe 2 Fragen Musik / Perl
1. Frage ... kann man das Musik Modul auch ohne muggle nutzen ...
Läuft ja leider nicht mehr ... seit libvdr-muggle.so.1.3.24 hier gibt es glaub ich keine Lösung in nächster Zeit ( oder ToxicTonic??)
Was muss man denn ändern ...
32 (501) [12:29:07] DBI: DBI->connect(database=GiantDisc;host=localhost;port=3306) failed: Access denied for user 'xxv'@'localhost' to database 'GiantDisc' at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/MUSIC.pm line 1056
33 (501) [12:29:07] MUSIC: Access denied for user 'xxv'@'localhost' to database 'GiantDisc'
34 (250) [12:29:07] MUSIC: No GiantDisc data base. Use standard music data base!
35 (250) [12:29:20] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::MUSIC = 0.92
MUSIC: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown table 'album' in where clause at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/Tools.pm line 222, <; DATA> line 572.
MUSIC: Unknown table 'album' in where clause -
ID as Sv,
ARTIST as Kuenstler,
ALBUM as Album,
TITLE as Titel,
TRACKNUM as Tracknr,
YEAR as Jahr,
( album.title LIKE '%ÿþA%' )
AND 0 = 1
MUSIC: DBD::mysql::db selectall_arrayref failed: Unknown table 'album' in where clause at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/MUSIC.pm line 637, <; DATA> line 572.
config :
2. Frage das install.sh -p meldet folgende Fehler ...
Checking for Perl module XML::Stream... MISSING
Do you want to install XML::Stream? (y)es/(f)orced/(N)ever : f
Going to read /root/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz
Database was generated on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 06:09:32 GMT
CPAN: HTTP:: Date loaded ok
There's a new CPAN.pm version (v1.8802) available!
[Current version is v1.87]
You might want to try
install CPAN
reload cpan
without quitting the current session. It should be a seamless upgrade
while we are running...
Going to read /root/.cpan/sources/modules/03modlist.data.gz
XML:: Stream is up to date (1.22).
1 (250) [21:30:56] :
---- XXVD System started ---
2 (250) [21:30:56] : Verbose Level is set to 3
3 (250) [21:30:56] : Use configuration file "/opt/XXV/etc/xxvd.cfg"
4 (250) [21:30:56] : Schnelle Template Unterstützung ist aktiv!
5 (250) [21:30:57] main: Successfully connect to database: DBI:mysql:database=xxv;host=localhost;port=3306
6 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::WAPD = 0.45
7 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::VTX = 0.81
8 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::USER = 0.81
9 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::TIMERS = 0.92
10 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::TELNET = 0.01
11 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::SVDRP = 0.91
12 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::STREAM = 0.92
13 (250) [21:30:58] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::STATUS = 0.45
14 (550) [21:31:03] Expat:
syntax error at line 1, column 0, byte 0 at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/XML/Parser.pm line 187
15 (550) [21:31:03] Parser:
syntax error at line 1, column 0, byte 0 at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/XML/Parser.pm line 187
16 (501) [21:31:03] SHARE: Transport Error: 500 Can't connect to xpix.dyndns.org:81 (connect: timeout)
17 (501) [21:31:03] SHARE: Can't get user key
18 (501) [21:31:03] SHARE: Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/SHARE.pm line 202.
19 (501) [21:31:03] SHARE: Response contain wrong answer
20 (501) [21:31:03] SHARE: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/SHARE.pm line 205.
21 (250) [21:31:03] main: SOAP Server http://xpix.dyndns.org:81/XXV/Server can not connected!
22 (250) [21:31:03] main: Deactivate the Share Modul!
23 (250) [21:31:03] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::SHARE = 0.03
24 (250) [21:31:03] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::ROBOT = 0.01
25 (250) [21:31:03] main: Load NEWS Module XXV::OUTPUT::NEWS::VDR = 0.01
26 (250) [21:31:03] main: Load NEWS Module XXV::OUTPUT::NEWS::RSS = 0.01
27 (250) [21:31:04] main: Load NEWS Module XXV::OUTPUT::NEWS::MAIL = 0.01
28 (250) [21:31:04] main: Load NEWS Module XXV::OUTPUT::NEWS::JABBER = 0.01
29 (250) [21:31:04] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::REPORT = 0.01
30 (250) [21:31:04] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::REMOTE = 0.01
31 (250) [21:31:04] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::RECORDS = 0.91
32 (501) [21:31:04] DBI: DBI->connect(database=GiantDisc;host=localhost;port=3306) failed: Access denied for user 'xxv'@'localhost' to database 'GiantDisc' at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/MUSIC.pm line 1056
33 (501) [21:31:04] MUSIC: Access denied for user 'xxv'@'localhost' to database 'GiantDisc'
34 (250) [21:31:04] MUSIC: No GiantDisc data base. Use standard music data base!
35 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::MUSIC = 0.92
36 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::MEDIALIB = 0.02
37 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::LOGREAD = 0.01
38 (250) [21:31:17] main: Install the SOAP server at http://linvdr:8082/
39 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::INTERFACE = 0.01
40 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::HTTPD = 0.92
41 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::GRAB = 0.01
42 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::EVENTS = 0.92
43 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::EPG = 0.91
44 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::CONFIG = 0.01
45 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::CHRONICLE = 0.91
46 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::CHANNELS = 0.91
47 (250) [21:31:17] : Load Module XXV::MODULES::AUTOTIMER = 0.91
48 (250) [21:31:17] main: CHANNELS: Read and register Channels ...
49 (250) [21:31:18] main: EPG: Start read epg data and repair ...
50 (202) [21:31:18] EPG: EVT:270 Call command "LSTE" on svdrp
51 (250) [21:31:21] main: The read on epg data start now!
52 (250) [21:31:50] EPG: Finish .. 16 events created, 283 events replaced, 0 events deleted
53 (250) [21:31:57] main: EVENTS: Look for Evententrys in modules ...
54 (250) [21:31:57] main: TIMERS: Store timers in database ...
55 (202) [21:31:57] TIMERS: EVT:270 Call command "lstt" on svdrp
56 (250) [21:31:57] main: NEWS::VDR: Start initiate the News vdr module ...
57 (250) [21:31:57] main: NEWS::RSS: Start initiate the RSS Feed ...
58 (250) [21:31:57] main: Send restart Message to News channel ...
59 (202) [21:31:57] VDR: EVT:270 Call command "MESG Neustart des xxv-System um: 21:30:56 15.02.2007!" on svdrp
60 (250) [21:31:57] main: REMOTE: Parse Commandfile ...
61 (250) [21:31:57] main: RECORDS: Store records in database ...
62 (202) [21:31:57] RECORDS: EVT:270 Call command "lstr" on svdrp
63 (202) [21:31:57] RECORDS: EVT:270 Call command "stat disk" on svdrp
64 (501) [21:31:59] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Deluxe~Al Jarreau \- Mornin' \(1983\)'
65 (501) [21:31:59] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 34!
66 (501) [21:31:59] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: '%Verrückt.Schön'
67 (501) [21:31:59] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 46!
68 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten~2006\-11\-26'
69 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 69!
70 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten~Sprengung \(3.6\)'
71 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 75!
72 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten~Abschied von der Hülle \(4.6\)'
73 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 79!
74 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten~Solarenergie \(2.6\)'
75 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 81!
76 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten~2006\-11\-29'
77 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 82!
78 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: I can't read file '/video0/Bibliothek_der_Sachgeschichten/S_-_Sprengung/2007-02-'
79 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Bibliothek der Sachgeschichten~S \(7\) \- Sprengung \(1.5\)'
80 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 88!
81 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Couldn't read : '/video0/Bibliothek_der_Sachgeschichten/2006-12-10/2006-12-'
82 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Couldn't read : '/video0/Bibliothek_der_Sachgeschichten/2006-12-13/2006-12-'
83 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can't assign recording with title: 'Herbie Fully Loaded \- Ein toller Käfer startet durch \(Herbie: Fully Loaded\)'
84 (501) [21:32:00] RECORDS: Can not find recording for Id 96!
85 (250) [21:32:00] main: CHRONICLE: Store recordings at chronicle ...
86 (250) [21:32:01] : Dokumentation wurde in '/opt/XXV/doc' generiert
87 (202) [21:32:01] VDR: EVT:270 Call command "MESG PANIK! Nur noch 0 0,000000reier Platz auf Gerät /dev/hdb1" on svdrp
88 (202) [21:32:19] AUTOTIMER: EVT:270 Call command "lstt" on svdrp
89 (202) [21:32:19] AUTOTIMER: EVT:270 Reread 10 timers and written to DB!
90 (501) [21:33:31] TIMERS: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNION
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Nam at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/Tools.pm line 222, <DATA> line 286.
91 (501) [21:33:31] TIMERS: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNION
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Nam -
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Name as Kanal,
c.Pos as __Pos,
t.Day as Tag,
t.Start as Start,
t.Stop as Stopp,
t.File as Titel,
t.Priority as Prioritaet,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Day,
t.Collision as __Collision,
t.eventid as __eventid,
t.AutotimerId as __AutotimerId,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStopTime) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Duration,
e.description as __description
TIMERS as t,
EPG as e
t.ChannelID = c.Id
and (t.eventid = e.eventid)
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Name as Kanal,
c.Pos as __Pos,
t.Day as Tag,
t.Start as Start,
t.Stop as Stopp,
t.File as Titel,
t.Priority as Prioritaet,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Day,
t.Collision as __Collision,
t.eventid as __eventid,
t.AutotimerId as __AutotimerId,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStopTime) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Duration,
"" as __description
TIMERS as t,
t.ChannelID = c.Id
and (t.eventid = 0)
AND 0 = 1
92 (501) [21:33:31] TIMERS: DBD::mysql::db selectall_arrayref failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNION
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Nam at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/TIMERS.pm line 1037, <DATA> line 286.
93 (202) [21:33:57] TIMERS: EVT:270 Call command "lstt" on svdrp
94 (501) [21:33:58] TIMERS: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNION
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Nam at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/Tools.pm line 222, <DATA> line 572.
95 (501) [21:33:58] TIMERS: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNION
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Nam -
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Name as Kanal,
c.Pos as __Pos,
t.Day as Tag,
t.Start as Start,
t.Stop as Stopp,
t.File as Titel,
t.Priority as Prioritaet,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Day,
t.Collision as __Collision,
t.eventid as __eventid,
t.AutotimerId as __AutotimerId,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStopTime) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Duration,
e.description as __description
TIMERS as t,
EPG as e
t.ChannelID = c.Id
and (t.eventid = e.eventid)
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Name as Kanal,
c.Pos as __Pos,
t.Day as Tag,
t.Start as Start,
t.Stop as Stopp,
t.File as Titel,
t.Priority as Prioritaet,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Day,
t.Collision as __Collision,
t.eventid as __eventid,
t.AutotimerId as __AutotimerId,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStopTime) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.NextStartTime) as __Duration,
"" as __description
TIMERS as t,
t.ChannelID = c.Id
and (t.eventid = 0)
AND 0 = 1
96 (501) [21:33:58] TIMERS: DBD::mysql::db selectall_arrayref failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNION
t.Id as Sv,
t.Status as Status,
c.Nam at /opt/XXV/bin/../lib/XXV/MODULES/TIMERS.pm line 1037, <DATA> line 572.
Hat hier jemand eine Lösung ....
Gruss Miroe4you