So hier mal eine Übersicht von PIC-Kommandos - stammen alle aus dem Forum von akoenig, von den Usern 9000H und lightningman:
Edit (29.11.2004): So, ein bisschen geordnet und die Codes von HansDampf ergänzt.
Edit 2 (12.12.2004): LED-Codes angepasst (danke pcfe)
Edit 3 (13.12.2004): LCD-LED-Backlight-Codes korrigiert (thx to pcfe again)
Um einen Befehl auszuführen:
// LED-Kommandos
0x90 0x40 Basic LED on
0x90 0x04 Basic LED off
0x90 0x80 Power LED blink green on
0x90 0x08 Power LED blink green off
0x90 0x10 Power LED red on
0x90 0x01 Power LED green on
0x90 0x20 Message LED blink on
0x90 0x02 Message LED off
// Power-Button-Kommandos
0x94 0x12 Power button on (setkeycodes e010 xx)
0x94 0x21 Power botton off
0x94 0x03 Power scancode on
0x94 0x30 Power scancode off
// LCD Kommandos
0x9A 0x02 LCD write text line 1
0x9A 0x03 LCD write text line 2
0x9A 0x04 LCD scroll write text line 1
0x9A 0x04 LCD scroll write text line 2
0x9b 0x00 LCD clear
0x9c 0x00 LCD break mode (display will stay with last text)
0x9c 0x01 LCD break mode (dimm after 3 seconds)
0xF0 0xFF Backlight LED 0% = dark
0xF0 0xC0 Backlight LED 25%
0xF0 0x7D Backlight LED 50%
0xF0 0x3D Backlight LED 75%
0xF0 0x00 Backlight LED 100% super bright
// Write Display is
// Line #
// alignment (L / R / C)
// animationtype (plain / typewriter/Scroll)
// text text from 0-20 characters
// low-level Kommandos
0x8A 0x00 get PIC-Firmware revision (4 bytes)
0x81 0? (1-255) sets the heatbeat monitor
// If this time expires (is!Alive) the control panel
// sends a reset command
0x82 0x starts IR learn sequence (probably of no use for Lin with CI)
0x83 downloads learned ir data
0x85 clears ir data
0x8c sends a reset (Mainboard!)
0x8e sends a reset PIC
0x91 prepares PIC for flash (AVIOD THIS!!)
0x92 reads button codes from Frotpanel (similar to LED)
Bit 1 = Power
Bit 2 = Up
Bit 3 = DOWN
Bit 4 = Left
Bit 5 = Right
Bit 6 = Select
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