Im syslog tauchen immer wieder jede Menge solcher Meldungen auf:
Sep 25 23:24:09 myvdr vdr: epg2vdr: Statement 'insert into recordinglist set actor = ?, audio = ?, camera = ?, category = ?, channelid = ?, channelname = ?, country = ?, description = ?, director = ?, duration = ?, episodecompname = ?, episodecomppartname = ?, episodecompshortname = ?, episodelang = ?, eventid = ?, flags = ?, folder = ?, fsk = ?, genre = ?, guest = ?, imgid = ?, inssp = ?, inuse = ?, job = ?, lastifoupd = ?, longdescription = ?, md5path = ?, moderator = ?, music = ?, name = ?, numrating = ?, other = ?, owner = ?, path = ?, producer = ?, rating = ?, screenplay = ?, scrinfoepisodeid = ?, scrinfomovieid = ?, scrinfoseriesid = ?, scrmovieid = ?, scrnew = ?, scrseriesepisode = ?, scrseriesid = ?, scrsp = ?, shortreview = ?, shorttext = ?, starttime = ?, state = ?, tipp = ?, title = ?, topic = ?, txtrating = ?, updsp = ?, vdruuid = ?, year = ?;' with (56) in parameters and (0) out bindings prepared
Sep 25 23:24:09 myvdr vdr: epg2vdr: Statement 'update recordinglist set actor = ?, audio = ?, camera = ?, category = ?, channelid = ?, channelname = ?, country = ?, description = ?, director = ?, duration = ?, episodecompname = ?, episodecomppartname = ?, episodecompshortname = ?, episodelang = ?, eventid = ?, flags = ?, folder = ?, fsk = ?, genre = ?, guest = ?, imgid = ?, inuse = ?, job = ?, lastifoupd = ?, longdescription = ?, moderator = ?, music = ?, name = ?, numrating = ?, other = ?, path = ?, producer = ?, rating = ?, screenplay = ?, scrinfoepisodeid = ?, scrinfomovieid = ?, scrinfoseriesid = ?, scrmovieid = ?, scrnew = ?, scrseriesepisode = ?, scrseriesid = ?, scrsp = ?, shortreview = ?, shorttext = ?, state = ?, tipp = ?, title = ?, topic = ?, txtrating = ?, updsp = ?, vdruuid = ?, year = ? where md5path = ? and owner = ? and starttime = ?;' with (55) in parameters and (0) out bindings prepared
Sep 25 23:24:09 myvdr vdr: epg2vdr: Statement 'select t._endtime, t._starttime, t.action,, t.autotimerid, t.autotimerinssp, t.autotimername, t.aux, t.channelid, t.childlock,,, t.doneid, t.endtime, t.eventid, t.evtstarttime, t.expression, t.file,,, t.lifetime, t.namingmode, t.priority, t.retrys, t.source, t.starttime, t.state, t.tccmailcnt, t.template, t.type, t.vdruuid, t.vps, t.weekdays, t.wrncount,, v.uuid, v.state from timers t, vdrs v where and (t.state in ('P','R') or t.state is null) and t.type = 'R' and t.vdruuid = v.uuid order by t._starttime' with (0) in parameters and (37) out bindings prepared
Sep 25 23:24:09 myvdr vdr: epg2vdr: Statement 'select _endtime, _starttime, action, active, autotimerid, autotimerinssp, autotimername, aux, channelid, childlock, day, directory, doneid, endtime, eventid, evtstarttime, expression, file, id, info, lifetime, namingmode, priority, retrys, source, starttime, state, tccmailcnt, template, type, vdruuid, vps, weekdays, wrncount from timers where active and (state in ('P','R') or state is null) and eventid = ?' with (1) in parameters and (34) out bindings prepared
Sep 25 23:24:09 myvdr vdr: epg2vdr: Statement 'select sub_actor, sub_audio, sub_camera, sub_category, cnt_channelid, cnt_eventid, cnt_longdescription, cnt_source, sub_commentator, sub_complongdescription, sub_compshorttext, sub_comptitle, cnt_contents, sub_country, cnt_delflg, sub_director, cnt_duration, sub_episodecompname, sub_episodecomppartname, sub_episodecompshortname, epi_extracol1, epi_extracol2, epi_extracol3, epi_lang, epi_episodename, epi_number, epi_part, epi_partname, epi_parts, epi_season, epi_shortname, cnt_fileref, sub_flags, sub_genre, sub_guest, sub_imagecount, sub_longdescription, cnt_masterid, sub_moderator, sub_music, sub_numrating, sub_other, cnt_parentalrating, sub_producer, sub_rating, sub_screenplay, sub_scrmovieid, sub_scrseriesepisode, sub_scrseriesid, sub_scrsp, sub_shortdescription, sub_shortreview, sub_shorttext, cnt_starttime, sub_eventid, sub_source, cnt_tableid, sub_tipp, sub_title, sub_topic, sub_txtrating, cnt_updflg, all_updsp, cnt_useid, cnt_version, cnt_vps, sub_year from useevents where cnt_useid = ? and cnt_updflg in ('A','L','P','C','D','R')' with (1) in parameters and (67) out bindings prepared
Eine Runde mysqlcheck/analyze/optimize/repair der mariadb/innodb habe ich schon hinter mir - eigentlich ohne Ergebnis oder Verbesserung.
Bis auf die Fehlermeldungen wirkt der VDR beim Umschalten und im Menü nur leicht träger - sonst keine spürbaren Auswirkungen.
Hat jemand von euch bitte eine Idee, wie ich das reparieren kann?