Die API 2.5 von OpenWeatherMap.org läuft noch bir zum 12. 9.2024
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One Call API 2.5 to be discontinued soon
Dear OpenWeather client,
We would like to inform you that we started One Call 2.5 deprecation, and your access to the product will be stopped on September 12, 2024.
We would like to recommend you to switch to One Call 3.0 that would provide you with advanced features such as a hyperlocal minute forecast for one hour, 2-day hourly forecast, 8-day daily forecast, 4-day forecast for any timestamp, government weather alerts, 45-year history for any timestamp, daily aggregation, weather overview, and other features.
One Call 3.0 has a flexible pay-as-you-call subscription with 1000 free calls per day. Your payment card will be used when you exceed the free limit, £0.0012 per call. API call limits are set up in your account Profile section.
This product is made for developers by developers and provided with a Creative Common license following ShareAlike principle.
Für skinFlatPlus habe ich das Skript zum holen der Daten angepasst:
Der API-Key bleibt gleich. Man muss das One-Call 3.0 Abo abschließen und auch eine Zahlungsart hinterlegen. Es sind 1.000 Abfragen am Tag kostenlos. Zusätzlich kann man ein Maximum einstellen. Stellt man 1.000 ein, können keine Kosten entstehen.