Ich habe mal versucht auf meinen RasPi 4 unter Ubuntu 24.04 (Server Image) VDR zu installieren.
branch: noble
ppa_owner: 'ppa:seahawk1986-hotmail'
# add the following PPAs
- '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-main'
- '{{ ppa_owner }}/vdr-2.6.9'
# add the vdr plugins you want to install
- vdr-plugin-devstatus
- vdr-plugin-markad-ng
- vdr-plugin-live
- vdr-plugin-satip
- vdr-plugin-epgsearch
- vdr-plugin-epg2vdr
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Leider ohne Erfolg, habe weder Bild noch Ton, weder aus Aufnahmen, noch über SAT-IP.
Das Menü kommt, sobald ich irgendwas abspielen will, hängt sich VDR komplett weg.
vdr (2.6.9/2.6.9) - The Video Disk Recorder
conflictcheckonly (0.0.1) - Direct access to epgsearch's conflict check menu
dbus2vdr (31) - control vdr via D-Bus
devstatus (0.4.1) - Status of dvb devices
epg2vdr (1.2.16-GIT) - epg2vdr plugin
epgsearch (2.4.2) - search the EPG for repeats and more
epgsearchonly (0.0.1) - Direct access to epgsearch's search menu
live (3.1.3) - Live Interactive VDR Environment
markad (4.1.0) - Mark advertisements
quickepgsearch (0.0.1) - Quick search for broadcasts
satip (2.4.1) - SAT>IP Devices
softhddevice-drm-gles (0.2.4) - A software and GPU emulated HD device
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sudo service vdr start && tail -f /var/log/syslog
2024-08-15T15:50:02.981638+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1410] KBD remote control thread started (pid=1388, tid=1410, prio=high)
2024-08-15T15:50:02.981892+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1388] loading /var/cache/vdr/cam.data
2024-08-15T15:50:02.982184+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1388] switching to channel 1 S19.2E-1-1019-10301 (Das Erste HD)
2024-08-15T15:50:02.995774+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1408] live: INFO: attempt to listen on ip = ''
2024-08-15T15:50:02.996734+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1408] live: ERROR: Unable to load cert/key (/var/lib/vdr/plugins/live/live.pem / /var/lib/vdr/plugins/live/live-key.pem): Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
2024-08-15T15:50:03.193741+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1418] device 1 receiver thread started (pid=1388, tid=1418, prio=high)
2024-08-15T15:50:03.194724+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1420] SVDRP server handler thread started (pid=1388, tid=1420, prio=low)
2024-08-15T15:50:03.195174+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1420] SVDRP VDR-RasPi4 opening port 6419/tcp
2024-08-15T15:50:03.196932+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 systemd[1]: Started vdr.service - Video Disk Recorder.
2024-08-15T15:50:03.198175+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1420] SVDRP VDR-RasPi4 listening on port 6419/tcp
2024-08-15T15:50:03.245302+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1388] OSD size changed to 1920x1080 @ 1,77778
2024-08-15T15:50:03.251651+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1423] oglThread thread started (pid=1388, tid=1423, prio=high)
2024-08-15T15:50:03.404844+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1423] [softhddevice] OpenGL context initialized
2024-08-15T15:50:03.405237+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1388] [softhddevice] OpenGL worker thread started
2024-08-15T15:50:04.590702+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1418] [softhddevice] AlsaSetup: Channels 2 SampleRate 48000#012 HWChannels 2 HWSampleRate 48000 SampleFormat S16_LE#012 Supports pause: no mmap: yes#012 AlsaBufferTime 100ms AudioBufferTime 450ms Threshold 450ms
2024-08-15T15:50:10.660441+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1396] creating new channel 'SWR RP HD,;ARD' on S19.2E transponder 111493 with id 1-1019-10304-0
2024-08-15T15:50:10.670692+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 1 ring buffer overflow (188 bytes dropped)
2024-08-15T15:50:10.756110+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: epg2vdr: Handler: Init handler instance for thread 1396
2024-08-15T15:50:11.327233+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1397] [softhddevice] AlsaPlayer: ring buffer empty Videopkts: 182
2024-08-15T15:50:11.616593+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] SATIP: Detected 1 RTP packet error [device 0]
2024-08-15T15:50:11.642086+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1391] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=1388, tid=1391)
2024-08-15T15:50:13.902260+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1407] EPGSearch: timer conflict check started
2024-08-15T15:50:13.903022+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1407] EPGSearch: timer conflict check finished
2024-08-15T15:50:16.009400+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 526 ring buffer overflows (692216 bytes dropped)
2024-08-15T15:50:22.010134+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 590 ring buffer overflows (776440 bytes dropped)
2024-08-15T15:50:22.467599+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1388] switching to channel 20 S19.2E-1-1089-12003 (RTL Television)
2024-08-15T15:50:28.004540+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 590 ring buffer overflows (776440 bytes dropped)
2024-08-15T15:50:34.012139+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 591 ring buffer overflows (777756 bytes dropped)
2024-08-15T15:50:40.006975+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 590 ring buffer overflows (776440 bytes dropped)
2024-08-15T15:50:46.012288+02:00 VDR-RasPi4 vdr: [1393] ERROR: 591 ring buffer overflows (777756 bytes dropped)
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Hat jemand eine Idee ? Hat das überhaupt schon mal jemand erfolgreich auf einem RasPi 4 zum Laufen gebracht ?