Das sollte nicht die Ursache sein, poste mal /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-recordingaction
Und sag hier nicht wieder, die gibt es nicht.
Das sollte nicht die Ursache sein, poste mal /usr/lib/vdr/vdr-recordingaction
Und sag hier nicht wieder, die gibt es nicht.
Ich glaube, ich habe die Stelle gefunden, wo die Meldung herkommt: Die kommt aus dem markad Plugin.
Poste mal "grep markad /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf"
# VDR Recording Action Script - Tobias Grimm <tg@e-tobi.net>
# ---------------------------
# This script gets executed by VDR before a recording starts, after a
# recording ends and after a recording has been edited.
# In order to allow other addons to hook into this process, this script will
# search for any executables in /usr/share/vdr/recording-hooks. These
# hooks are called in their alphabetical order and should follow this
# naming scheme:
# R<XX>.<identifier>
# Where <XX> is a two digit number, that mainly specifies the execution order
# and <identifier> is a unique descriptor.
# Two parameters are passed to each recording hook:
# Parameter 1 can have the values "before", "after" and "edited", depending
# on whether the recording hook is called before the recording starts,
# after the recording ends or after the recording has been edited.
# Parameter 2 is the directory of the recording. Be aware, that this directory
# doesn't exist before the recording starts.
recordinghooks=`find $REC_HOOKS_DIR -maxdepth 1 -xtype f | sort`
for recordinghook in $recordinghooks; do
case $1 in
action="$1 recording $2"
action="after cutting recording $2 from $3"
if [ -x $recordinghook ]; then
logger -t recordingaction "executing $recordinghook $action"
$recordinghook "$@"
logger -t recordingaction "executing $recordinghook $action as shell script"
/bin/sh $recordinghook "$@"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && logger -t recordingaction "error when executing $recordinghook"
Display More
grep markad /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf
markad.AutoLogoExtraction = 2
markad.DeferredShutdown = 0
markad.Execution = 1
markad.FullDecode = 0
markad.GenIndex = 1
markad.HideMainMenuEntry = 1
markad.IgnoreMargins = 0
markad.Log2Rec = 1
markad.LogoOnly = 1
markad.logVPS = 1
markad.OSDMessage = 1
markad.SecondPass = 1
markad.svdrPort = 2001
markad.useVPS = 1
markad.Verbose = 1
markad.whileRecording = 1
markad.whileReplaying = 1
Da hast du aber einen schönen alten Bug gefunden:
markad.GenIndex = 1
Gibt es schon lange nicht mehr, ich habe vergessen, das aus der Plugin Konfiguration raus zu löschen.
Ich fix das, bis dahin:
VDR stoppen, o.g. Zeile aus der setup.conf löschen, VDR wieder starten.
Nein, ich habe keine dynamisch eingehängte Laufwerke auf meinem Server.
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