Softhddevice ausgabe Fehler

  • Thanks for the information! I will ignore the messages therefore.

    I am very curious for the version 2.0.4.

    With 2.0.3 the zapping time (Umschaltzeiten) is still a little bit slower than with softhddevice-openglosd-ffmpeg2.8 (seems to be softhddevice 0.6.1RC1) when it comes to SD-channels; HD to HD switching seems to be faster with 2.0.3 than with the very old one.

    MyVDR: yaVDR-Ansible (Ubuntu 20) - softhddevice-openglosd (ffmpeg 2.8) - epgd/epg2vdr - skindesigner estuary4vdr (adaptiert) - 1920x1080@50 Hz | kodi 18 - inputstream + amazon vod
    Aerocube M40 | 300W | ASRock H61M-GE | Intel G530 | Asus ENGT520 | 2 x TT-budget S2-3200 | ASRock Smart Remote (CIR) | 4 GB RAM | 120 GB SSD | 3 TB HDD

    Edited once, last by davie2000 ().

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