The new version 1.0.0 of GeoTagger is now available at
New in this version:
* The new "cache" mode stores modified times and coordinates in separate text files, so that the original image files are untouched.
* Fixed vanishing markers if modifying a photo's time doesn't change the sequence of the photos.
* Now always using a denominator of 1000 when converting double values to EXIF rationals.
* When reading EXIF altitude values, rationals with a denominator other than 1000 are converted to that denominator.
* The new "File/Export" command exports all loaded image files into a separate directory, using the images' EXIF timestamp as file name.
* The new "Edit/Align" command aligns the times of images taken when travelling through time zones.
* Fixed removing markers from the map if the image list is cleared.
* The "Change Image Coordinate" dialog now sets the focus to the field that is currently selected in the list.
* Changed "angle" to "orientation" in EXIF context.
* Now always loading previews in full size (in preparation for maximized preview and cropping).
* The new "Edit/Straighten" command can be used to straighten horizontal or vertical lines.
* The new "Edit/Crop" command can be used to crop images.
* The new "View/Maximize" command can be used to maximze the image preview.
* The image preview now has a context menu.
* The new "Edit/Rotate Images" command can be used to rotate images by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
* The rightmost column in the list now shows an indicator for modified images.
* Now explicitly using the LANG environment variable to set translations.
* The new "GeoTagger User Guide" (available from the Help menu) provides suggestions on how to use GeoTagger.
* The new "Edit/Exclude Images" command can be used to exclude images from exporting.
* The new "View/Full Screen" command can be used to switch the application into full screen mode.
* The codec is now set according to the codeset given in the LANG environment variable. This makes non-ASCII characters in file names work on systems with, e.g., iso8859-1.
* Switched to Qt's model/view mechanism.
* Added a visual indicator to the splitter handles.
* Improved image memory handling.
* Now using thumbnails for fast scrolling through the list.
* Fixed 'zoom current' with minimum zoom radius and imperial units.
* The new "View/Thumbnails" command switches to thumbnail mode (and back).
* The new "Edit/Invert Selection" command inverts the current selection.
* The new "View/Hide Images" command hides all selected images; "View/Show all Images" shows them again.
* The new command line option --export can be used to export the loaded images in batch mode.