Ich habe mal ein dbg-Paket für epgsearch hinzugefügt: https://launchpad.net/~yavdr/+…82/+listing-archive-extra - das muss nur noch veröffentlicht werden.
yavdr-ansible focal auf NUC10i3 etc.
... hier der Backtrace:
[New LWP 1577]
[New LWP 2699]
[New LWP 2700]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
0x00007fd4dcf86110 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007fd4dcf86110 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
#1 0x00007fd4dcf7e0a3 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
#2 0x0000559e22b5632d in cMutex::Lock (this=this@entry=0x559e23bdd760) at thread.c:224
#3 0x0000559e22b2cf00 in cThread::Lock (this=0x559e23bdd740) at thread.h:94
#4 cSectionHandler::SetStatus (this=0x559e23bdd740, On=<optimized out>) at sections.c:147
#5 0x0000559e22ab27ba in cDevice::SetChannel (this=0x559e23bc34a0, Channel=0x559e23cdc168, LiveView=<optimized out>)
at device.c:953
#6 0x0000559e22ab2d8a in cDevice::SwitchChannel (this=this@entry=0x559e23bc34a0, Channel=Channel@entry=0x559e23cdc168,
LiveView=LiveView@entry=false) at device.c:864
#7 0x0000559e22acebbc in cEITScanner::Process (this=0x559e22be5120 <EITScanner>) at eitscan.c:168
#8 0x0000559e22a90a40 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at vdr.c:1536
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00007fd4dcf86110 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00007fd4dcf7e0a3 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x0000559e22b5632d in cMutex::Lock (this=this@entry=0x559e23bdd760) at thread.c:224
No locals.
#3 0x0000559e22b2cf00 in cThread::Lock (this=0x559e23bdd740) at thread.h:94
No locals.
#4 cSectionHandler::SetStatus (this=0x559e23bdd740, On=<optimized out>) at sections.c:147
No locals.
#5 0x0000559e22ab27ba in cDevice::SetChannel (this=0x559e23bc34a0, Channel=0x559e23cdc168, LiveView=<optimized out>)
at device.c:953
MutexLock = {mutex = 0x559e23bc3510, locked = true}
Device = <optimized out>
NeedsTransferMode = <optimized out>
Result = scrFailed
#6 0x0000559e22ab2d8a in cDevice::SwitchChannel (this=this@entry=0x559e23bc34a0, Channel=Channel@entry=0x559e23cdc168,
LiveView=LiveView@entry=false) at device.c:864
i = <optimized out>
#7 0x0000559e22acebbc in cEITScanner::Process (this=0x559e22be5120 <EITScanner>) at eitscan.c:168
MaySwitchTransponder = <optimized out>
Channel = 0x559e23cdc168
ScanData = 0x559e23cdc150
Device = 0x559e23bc34a0
i = 5
AnyDeviceSwitched = true
Channels = <optimized out>
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
StateKey = {stateLock = 0x559e22be3360 <cChannels::channels+32>, write = false, state = -1, timedOut = false}
now = 1612557990
#8 0x0000559e22a90a40 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at vdr.c:1536
Error = 192
key = <optimized out>
Interact = <optimized out>
Control = 0x0
Now = 1612557989
NeedsFastResponse = <optimized out>
ControlMutexLock = {mutex = 0x559e22c3c4c0 <cControl::mutex>, locked = true}
NewPrimaryDVB = <optimized out>
savedTm = {c_iflag = 0, c_oflag = 0, c_cflag = 38624, c_lflag = 0, c_line = 128 '\200',
c_cc = "\253\245\334\324\177\000\000\346\001", '\000' <wiederholt 22 Mal>, "\300", c_ispeed = 0, c_ospeed = 4294967295}
HasStdin = <optimized out>
StartedAsRoot = <optimized out>
VdrUser = <optimized out>
UserDump = <optimized out>
SVDRPport = <optimized out>
AudioCommand = <optimized out>
VideoDirectory = <optimized out>
ConfigDirectory = <optimized out>
CacheDirectory = <optimized out>
ResourceDirectory = <optimized out>
LocaleDirectory = <optimized out>
EpgDataFileName = <optimized out>
DisplayHelp = <optimized out>
DisplayVersion = <optimized out>
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
DaemonMode = <optimized out>
SysLogTarget = <optimized out>
MuteAudio = <optimized out>
WatchdogTimeout = 0
Terminal = <optimized out>
OverrideCharacterTable = <optimized out>
UseKbd = <optimized out>
LircDevice = <optimized out>
SdWatchdog = 0
SdWatchdogTimeout = 0
Args = <optimized out>
PluginManager = {_vptr.cPluginManager = 0x559e22bdcbb0 <vtable for cPluginManager+16>,
static pluginManager = 0x7ffc9a767520, directory = 0x559e23728610 "/usr/lib/vdr/plugins", lastHousekeeping = 1612557887,
nextHousekeeping = 1, dlls = {<cList<cDll>> = {<cListBase> = {_vptr.cListBase = 0x559e22bdcaa8 <vtable for cDlls+16>,
objects = 0x559e23720660, lastObject = 0x559e23721800, count = 16, stateLock = {name = 0x0, threadId = 0,
rwLock = {rwlock = {__data = {__readers = 0, __writers = 0, __wrphase_futex = 0, __writers_futex = 0,
__pad3 = 0, __pad4 = 0, __cur_writer = 0, __shared = 0, __rwelision = 0 '\000',
__pad1 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000", __pad2 = 0, __flags = 1},
__size = '\000' <wiederholt 48 Mal>, "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000", __align = 0}, locked = 0,
writeLockThreadId = 0}, state = 0, explicitModify = 0, syncStateKey = 0x0}, needsLocking = 0x0,
useGarbageCollector = false}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}
long_options = {{name = 0x559e22b8a7eb "audio", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 97}, {name = 0x559e22b8a7f1 "cachedir",
has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 355}, {name = 0x559e22b8a7fa "chartab", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 611}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a802 "config", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 99}, {name = 0x559e22b8a809 "daemon", has_arg = 0,
flag = 0x0, val = 100}, {name = 0x559e22b7c703 "device", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 68}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a810 "dirnames", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 356}, {name = 0x559e22b8a819 "edit", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 357}, {name = 0x559e22b8a81e "epgfile", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 69}, {
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
name = 0x559e22b8a826 "filesize", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 358}, {name = 0x559e22b8a82f "genindex", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 359}, {name = 0x559e22b8a838 "grab", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 103}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a83d "help", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 104}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a842 "hide-first-recording-level", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 72}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a85d "instance", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 105}, {name = 0x559e22b8a866 "lib", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 76}, {name = 0x559e22b8a86a "lirc", has_arg = 2, flag = 0x0, val = 364}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a86f "localedir", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 620}, {name = 0x559e22b8a879 "log", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 108}, {name = 0x559e22b87518 "mute", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 109}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a87d "no-kbd", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 366}, {name = 0x559e22b8a884 "plugin", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 80}, {name = 0x559e22b86c00 "port", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 112}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a88b "record", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 114}, {name = 0x559e22b8a892 "resdir", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 370}, {name = 0x559e22b8a899 "showargs", has_arg = 2, flag = 0x0, val = 627}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a8a2 "shutdown", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 115}, {name = 0x559e22b8a8ab "split", has_arg = 0,
flag = 0x0, val = 371}, {name = 0x559e22b8a8b1 "terminal", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 116}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a8ba "updindex", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 629}, {name = 0x559e22b8a8c3 "user", has_arg = 1,
flag = 0x0, val = 117}, {name = 0x559e22b8a8c8 "userdump", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 373}, {
name = 0x559e22b86bcf "version", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 86}, {name = 0x559e22b8a8d1 "vfat", has_arg = 0,
flag = 0x0, val = 374}, {name = 0x559e22b7c829 "video", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 118}, {
name = 0x559e22b8a8d6 "watchdog", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 119}, {name = 0x0, has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 0}}
c = <optimized out>
CodeSet = <optimized out>
EpgDataReader = {<cThread> = {_vptr.cThread = 0x559e22bd9b48 <vtable for cEpgDataReader+16>, active = false,
running = false, childTid = 140551962277632, childThreadId = 1073, mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0,
__count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 2, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0,
__next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' <wiederholt 16 Mal>, "\002", '\000' <wiederholt 22 Mal>, __align = 0},
locked = 0}, description = 0x559e23726420 "epg data reader", lowPriority = false,
static mainThreadId = 1028}, <No data fields>}
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
Menu = 0x0
LastChannel = 12
LastTimerChannel = -1
PreviousChannel = {12, 8}
PreviousChannelIndex = 0
LastChannelChanged = 1612557929
LastInteract = 1612557933
MaxLatencyTime = 0
InhibitEpgScan = false
IsInfoMenu = false
CurrentSkin = <optimized out>
OldPrimaryDVB = 7
und "Thread apply all bt":
Nach dem Beenden des gdb läuft der VDR ohne weiteres Zutun und ist voll bedienbar...
1) htop zeigt zwei PIDs bei 100%: 15183 und 15199 -- $(pidof vdr) liefert die 15183
2) der BT liefert:
Code[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1". --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--c 0x00007ffbf6522110 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (gdb)
bt full:
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x00007ffbf6522110 in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x00007ffbf651a0a3 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x0000564f0a7d832d in cMutex::Lock (this=0x564f0b293d38) at thread.c:224
No locals.
#3 0x0000564f0a7d8ac3 in cMutexLock::Lock (this=0x7ffefd4cd860, Mutex=<optimized out>) at thread.c:404
No locals.
#4 0x00007ffbeb7453ff in cSatipTuner::SetSource(cSatipServer*, int, char const*, int) () from /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-satip.so.2.4.6
No symbol table info available.
#5 0x00007ffbeb72ea6a in cSatipDevice::SetChannelDevice(cChannel const*, bool) () from /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-satip.so.2.4.6
No symbol table info available.
#6 0x0000564f0a7347fd in cDevice::SetChannel (this=0x564f0b2906c0, Channel=0x564f0b43fe48, LiveView=<optimized out>) at device.c:961
MutexLock = {mutex = 0x564f0b290730, locked = true}
Device = <optimized out>
NeedsTransferMode = <optimized out>
Result = scrFailed
#7 0x0000564f0a734d8a in cDevice::SwitchChannel (this=this@entry=0x564f0b2906c0, Channel=Channel@entry=0x564f0b43fe48, LiveView=LiveView@entry=false) at device.c:864
i = <optimized out>
#8 0x0000564f0a750bbc in cEITScanner::Process (this=0x564f0a867120 <EITScanner>) at eitscan.c:168
MaySwitchTransponder = <optimized out>
Channel = 0x564f0b43fe48
ScanData = 0x564f0b43fe30
Device = 0x564f0b2906c0
i = 3
AnyDeviceSwitched = true
Channels = <optimized out>
StateKey = {stateLock = 0x564f0a865360 <cChannels::channels+32>, write = false, state = -1, timedOut = false}
now = 1612648768
#9 0x0000564f0a712a40 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at vdr.c:1536
Error = 192
key = <optimized out>
Interact = <optimized out>
Control = 0x0
Now = 1612648767
NeedsFastResponse = <optimized out>
ControlMutexLock = {mutex = 0x564f0a8be4c0 <cControl::mutex>, locked = true}
NewPrimaryDVB = <optimized out>
savedTm = {c_iflag = 0, c_oflag = 0, c_cflag = 38624, c_lflag = 0, c_line = 128 '\200', c_cc = "k\377\365\373\177\000\000\346\001", '\000' <wiederholt 22 Mal>, "\300", c_ispeed = 0, c_ospeed = 4294967295}
HasStdin = <optimized out>
StartedAsRoot = <optimized out>
VdrUser = <optimized out>
UserDump = <optimized out>
SVDRPport = <optimized out>
AudioCommand = <optimized out>
VideoDirectory = <optimized out>
ConfigDirectory = <optimized out>
CacheDirectory = <optimized out>
ResourceDirectory = <optimized out>
LocaleDirectory = <optimized out>
EpgDataFileName = <optimized out>
DisplayHelp = <optimized out>
DisplayVersion = <optimized out>
DaemonMode = <optimized out>
SysLogTarget = <optimized out>
MuteAudio = <optimized out>
WatchdogTimeout = 0
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--c
Terminal = <optimized out>
OverrideCharacterTable = <optimized out>
UseKbd = <optimized out>
LircDevice = <optimized out>
SdWatchdog = 0
SdWatchdogTimeout = 0
Args = <optimized out>
PluginManager = {_vptr.cPluginManager = 0x564f0a85ebb0 <vtable for cPluginManager+16>, static pluginManager = 0x7ffefd4cdd30, directory = 0x564f0ae2d610 "/usr/lib/vdr/plugins", lastHousekeeping = 1612648765, nextHousekeeping = 7, dlls = {<cList<cDll>> = {<cListBase> = {_vptr.cListBase = 0x564f0a85eaa8 <vtable for cDlls+16>, objects = 0x564f0ae25660, lastObject = 0x564f0ae26800, count = 16, stateLock = {name = 0x0, threadId = 0, rwLock = {rwlock = {__data = {__readers = 0, __writers = 0, __wrphase_futex = 0, __writers_futex = 0, __pad3 = 0, __pad4 = 0, __cur_writer = 0, __shared = 0, __rwelision = 0 '\000', __pad1 = "\000\000\000\000\000\000", __pad2 = 0, __flags = 1}, __size = '\000' <wiederholt 48 Mal>, "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000", __align = 0}, locked = 0, writeLockThreadId = 0}, state = 0, explicitModify = 0, syncStateKey = 0x0}, needsLocking = 0x0, useGarbageCollector = false}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}
long_options = {{name = 0x564f0a80c7eb "audio", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 97}, {name = 0x564f0a80c7f1 "cachedir", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 355}, {name = 0x564f0a80c7fa "chartab", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 611}, {name = 0x564f0a80c802 "config", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 99}, {name = 0x564f0a80c809 "daemon", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 100}, {name = 0x564f0a7fe703 "device", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 68}, {name = 0x564f0a80c810 "dirnames", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 356}, {name = 0x564f0a80c819 "edit", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 357}, {name = 0x564f0a80c81e "epgfile", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 69}, {name = 0x564f0a80c826 "filesize", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 358}, {name = 0x564f0a80c82f "genindex", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 359}, {name = 0x564f0a80c838 "grab", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 103}, {name = 0x564f0a80c83d "help", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 104}, {name = 0x564f0a80c842 "hide-first-recording-level", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 72}, {name = 0x564f0a80c85d "instance", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 105}, {name = 0x564f0a80c866 "lib", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 76}, {name = 0x564f0a80c86a "lirc", has_arg = 2, flag = 0x0, val = 364}, {name = 0x564f0a80c86f "localedir", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 620}, {name = 0x564f0a80c879 "log", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 108}, {name = 0x564f0a809518 "mute", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 109}, {name = 0x564f0a80c87d "no-kbd", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 366}, {name = 0x564f0a80c884 "plugin", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 80}, {name = 0x564f0a808c00 "port", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 112}, {name = 0x564f0a80c88b "record", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 114}, {name = 0x564f0a80c892 "resdir", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 370}, {name = 0x564f0a80c899 "showargs", has_arg = 2, flag = 0x0, val = 627}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8a2 "shutdown", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 115}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8ab "split", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 371}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8b1 "terminal", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 116}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8ba "updindex", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 629}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8c3 "user", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 117}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8c8 "userdump", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 373}, {name = 0x564f0a808bcf "version", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 86}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8d1 "vfat", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 374}, {name = 0x564f0a7fe829 "video", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 118}, {name = 0x564f0a80c8d6 "watchdog", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 119}, {name = 0x0, has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 0}}
c = <optimized out>
CodeSet = <optimized out>
EpgDataReader = {<cThread> = {_vptr.cThread = 0x564f0a85bb48 <vtable for cEpgDataReader+16>, active = false, running = false, childTid = 140719891314432, childThreadId = 15185, mutex = {mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 2, __spins = 0, __elision = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' <wiederholt 16 Mal>, "\002", '\000' <wiederholt 22 Mal>, __align = 0}, locked = 0}, description = 0x564f0ae2b420 "epg data reader", lowPriority = false, static mainThreadId = 15183}, <No data fields>}
Menu = 0x0
LastChannel = 2
LastTimerChannel = 1
PreviousChannel = {1, 2}
PreviousChannelIndex = 1
LastChannelChanged = 1612643780
LastInteract = 1612643784
MaxLatencyTime = 0
InhibitEpgScan = false
IsInfoMenu = false
CurrentSkin = <optimized out>
OldPrimaryDVB = 7
- ich nehme allso an, dass der vdr in libpthread.so.0 in der Funktion "__lll_lock_wait ()" hängt...
und nun ?
Hi seahawk,
habe mal Dein python-script für ofenheizer laufen lassen. Anbei der letzte log-Teil ab dem die Last bei 100% stehen geblieben ist.
2021-02-12 02:14:50,331 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:14:50,331 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 973, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:11,365 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:11,366 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 976, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:11,366 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 981, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 983, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:12,368 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:13,370 High CPU usage: [4.0, 6.0, 99.0, 3.0]
2021-02-12 02:15:33,405 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:33,405 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:33,406 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:33,406 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:33,406 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:33,407 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:33,407 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:34,409 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 41, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:34,409 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:34,410 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,443 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,444 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 49, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,444 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,444 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 668, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,445 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,445 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 686, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,446 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,446 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 1047, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:55,446 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:15:56,449 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 1058, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:16,485 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,488 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,489 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,489 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 673, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,489 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,489 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 1117, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,490 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,490 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 1120, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,490 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:17,490 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 1154, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:18,492 High CPU usage: [6.0, 5.2, 5.0, 76.8]
2021-02-12 02:16:19,492 High CPU usage: [7.8, 5.1, 3.1, 87.1]
2021-02-12 02:16:38,524 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,527 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 1164, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,527 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,527 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 22, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,528 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,528 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 31, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,528 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,529 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,529 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:39,529 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 1181, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:16:40,531 High CPU usage: [56.4, 5.2, 22.7, 6.1]
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 High CPU usage: [2.0, 4.1, 100.0, 4.9]
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 2, Channel: 698, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 3, Channel: 264, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 4, Channel: 123, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:22,351 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:23,352 High CPU usage: [3.0, 6.9, 100.0, 13.4]
2021-02-12 02:17:23,353 ChannelSwitch: Device: 5, Channel: 272, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:23,410 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 0, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:23,410 ChannelSwitch: Device: 6, Channel: 289, Live-TV: False
2021-02-12 02:17:24,411 High CPU usage: [5.9, 5.1, 100.0, 12.6]
2021-02-12 02:17:25,412 High CPU usage: [3.0, 4.1, 100.0, 9.3]
2021-02-12 02:17:26,413 High CPU usage: [4.0, 4.0, 100.0, 4.9]
2021-02-12 02:17:27,415 High CPU usage: [4.0, 3.1, 100.0, 2.0]
2021-02-12 02:17:28,416 High CPU usage: [3.0, 5.9, 100.0, 2.0]
2021-02-12 02:17:29,416 High CPU usage: [3.0, 2.1, 100.0, 5.8]
2021-02-12 02:17:30,418 High CPU usage: [2.0, 5.0, 100.0, 5.0]
2021-02-12 02:17:31,419 High CPU usage: [3.1, 5.0, 100.0, 10.2]
2021-02-12 02:17:32,420 High CPU usage: [5.1, 5.1, 100.0, 4.9]
2021-02-12 02:17:33,421 High CPU usage: [2.0, 5.0, 100.0, 3.0]
Die letzten beiden Kanal-Nummern (272 und 289) waren nicht verfügbare Kanäle.
Kann ich eigentlich nicht verfügbare Kanäle automatisch entfernen lassen?
Gruß K.
Ich werde mal testweise die Channels.conf auf 100 Einträge einkürzen...
Kann ich eigentlich nicht verfügbare Kanäle automatisch entfernen lassen?
Wenn der VDR die als OBSOLETE markiert hat, könnte z.B. sowas helfen:
Da gibt es aus alten Zeiten noch ein Script, welches einfach nach einer einstellbaren Anzahl an Tagen die Einträge in der channels.conf, die bereits mit "OBSOLETE" markiert sind, löscht bzw. in eine eigene Datei verschiebt, und danach gleich alle noch vorhandenen Einträge ebenfalls mit "OBSOLETE" markiert.
Die Markierung wird vom Kanaleditor im VDR nicht angezeigt.
Jeder Channelscan (händisch oder eben vdr selbst) überschreibt die Flags, und die, welche in der eingestellten Zahl an Tagen immer noch nicht überschrieben wurden, sind wieder dran.
Das kann natürlich nur funktionieren, wenn genügend Zeit/genügend Tuner vorhanden ist/sind, um Hintergrundscans zeitgerecht durchführen zu können, und diese auch aktiviert sind.
Ich antworte mal hier. Auch wenn ich es auf meinem Client bis jetzt nicht wieder beobachtet hatte.
Scheinbar war bei mir auch ein nicht mehr vorhandener Kanal in channels.conf.
Der war aber nicht mit OBSOLETE gekennzeichnet, sondern war nur mit .im Namen vorhanden. Lt. channelmap von epgd war das mal Zee One HD.
Könnte also schon dasselbe Problem gewesen sein.
Wundert mich nur, dass der Fehler auf dem server nicht auftrat und spricht dafür, dass das auf dem NUC von der Schwiegermutter nicht passierte, da die Kabel hat und ich dort nur die Kanäle drin habe, die ssie auch schaut.
Spräche aber für einen Bug im VDR, wenn der darauf so reagiert, oder?
seahawk1986 das Verzeichnis "vdr.conf.d" gibt es bei mir nicht. Muß es "/etc/systemd/system/vdr.service.d" heißen?
ofenheizer : bei mir war der letzte Kanal vor dem Hänger "RTL HD" (nicht verfügbar)
seahawk1986 das Verzeichnis "vdr.conf.d" gibt es bei mir nicht. Muß es "/etc/systemd/system/vdr.service.d" heißen?
Ups, ja das sollte /etc/systemd/system/vdr.service.d/remove-obsolete.conf heißen
- Bios Update auf 0047 hochgezogen
- Kanalliste gekürzt
- vdr.service.d/remove-obsolete.conf erstellt
... hat leider nix geholfen.
Habe jetzt die Pluginliste gekürzt, das Playbook neu laufen lassen und neu gebootet...
Ich (und andere) habe ein Problem mit meinem NUC beim Herunterfahren des VDR. Es dauert in der Regel 90 Sekunden, bevor das Gerät runter fährt, während dessen ist nur das yavdr-Logo zu sehen. Per ESC-Taste kann man dann sehen, dass das System irgendeinen Stop-Job beenden will, was es dann nach 90 Sekunden aufgibt und runterfährt.
Wenn ich aber den VDR mit der Befehlsfolge
systemctl stop vdr && sleep 4 && poweroff
manuell herunterfahre, ist alles ok.
Offenbar braucht das Sytem etwas Zeit, den VDR vollständig zu beenden. Frage: Kann man den Befehl zum Herunterfahren, der bei Betätigung der Powertaste erfolg, so modifizieren, dass er gem. oben durchgeführt wird?
Ja, das geht über das SHUTDOWNCMD, das in /etc/default/vdr gesetzt wird - für Playbook wäre das die Variable vdr_shutdown_command (vgl. https://github.com/yavdr/yavdr…focal/group_vars/all#L122 ff.)
Danke dir!
Hallo zusammen,
habe gestern festgestellt, daß der VDR wenn er hängt zwar eine laufende Aufnahme nicht abbricht, dafür aber auch nicht beendet, d.h. die Aufnahme wird erst gestoppt, wenn ich den VDR neu starte ("sudo reboot now")
Anbei die letzten Meldungen von der Konsole vor dem Neustart. Vielleicht kann man da ja noch was rauslesen...
Ich glaube, das heißt nur, dass während deines Reboot-Versuchs noch auf /oldroot/dev geschrieben wird ("busy" - vermutlich wg. der noch laufenden Aufnahme).
Du solltest also eher dafür sorgen, dass die Aufnahme zeitgerecht normal beendet wird (warum auch immer sie das nicht tut). -
ich hab nach dem Update vorgestern wieder schwer Kummer.
Nach dem Update auf Kernel 5.8..65 und X Komponenten hab ich den Effekt, dass softhdvaapi mit vdr gleich abstürzt, xineliboutput zeigt einmal ein Bild, das stehen bleibt, der Ton läuft weiter. Bei vlc das gleiche, Standbild und Ton läuft.
Das gilt für Life-TV UND FÜR AUFNAHMEN. Kodi 18.9 zeigt zumindest die Aufnahmen ganz normal mit laufendem Bild.
TV kann ich da nicht sehen, weil der vdr ohne frontend gar nicht startet.
Auch ein booten von Kerneln wie 47 oder 58, mit denen es vorher ging, geht jetzt nicht mehr.
Jemand ähnliche Probleme oder Idee, was ich tun könnte?
Viele Grüße
TV kann ich da nicht sehen, weil der vdr ohne frontend gar nicht startet.
Was steht denn im Log? Wenn der VDR ohne Frontend nicht starten will, dann würde ich schauen, ob die Tuner gefunden werden (weil ein Tuner notfalls primäres Frontend werden kann, aber der VDR den Start verweigert, wenn es gar kein Device gibt).
Im Log steht nach Standardmeldung commands_merged.sh ein core dump.
femon -H zeigt normalen Status 79%, null Fehler und der Ton läuft ja.
Ich denke, es ist was durch ein Update der Intel-Grafik-Treiber oder Kernel passiert, da ja auch Aufnahmen vom vlc nicht abgespielt werden.
Musst Du auch in die 20-intel.conf "DRI" "3" eintragen, und wenn ja, hast Du das gemacht?
Mache ich immer noch von Hand, da ich noch kein skript dafür gefunden habe...
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