I enabled debug output in Makefile and rebuild the softhddevice lib. I attatched lenghty log file, please check it. What is the meaning of "SEI type 4 size 112 truncated at 111".
Video is slow (frames are constantly dropped) and lagging from sound.
Softhddevice: audio/alsa: avail underrun error? 'Broken pipe'
I also add my build log of commit:
commit 1fb6cb8d29345c17d66b77055b2b778655b8a918 (HEAD -> vdpau+vaapi+cuvid, origin/vdpau+vaapi+cuvid, origin/HEAD)
Author: root <ua0lnj@bk.ru>
Date: Sun May 17 00:48:59 2020 +1000
Added DTS audio.
These are the dependences I installed:
apt install vdr-dev libasound2-dev libdrumstick-dev libva-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libswresample-dev libxcb-dpms0-dev libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-screensaver0-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev
"SEI type 4 size 112 truncated at 111" this is a ffmpeg error, as if the stream is corrupt.
There are no more errors in the log.
Build log is ok, but in the latest commit I removed compiller spam.
"video/vaapi: time/frame too long" means GPU is slowly processing frames.
May be incorrect xorg.conf, let someone with the same GPU tell you.
Ok, thank you for the hint.
I also try to build softhddevice from different repository https://salsa.debian.org/vdr-team/vdr-plugin-softhddevice
And this version seems to work better on most of the channels on UHD screen resolution. Video and audio is in synck, but in vdr menu of SoftHDdevice I see the count of dropped frames still counts up, but on syslog I can not see frame dropping, Only on UHD channels play I see "audio/alsa: avail underrun error? 'Broken pipe'" and frame dropping in syslog.
I am unable to find any info of Intel GT2-520 GPU decoding frames slowly. I made test where I used CVLC player with playlist containing some UHD DVB-S2 channels and this VLC is playing the channels perfectly, with 60 FPS @ 3840x2160. VLC output is not indicating any dropped or late frames - see vlc debug (-vvv) output.
Is it possible to use VLC (cvlc) as VDR output?
No way to use vlc as output.
You tryed change scale/deinterlace metods in plugins menu?
You tryed softhdcuvid(softhdvaapi) plugin?
Yes, I tried scale/deinterlace methods in plugins menu and it slightly improved the performance, but still not perfect as VLC. I tried to build softhdcuvid plugin but it failed with errors. From Makefile I found the required dependences but still error in compilation:
You compiled cuvid but not vaapi.
In Makefile set
VAAPI ?= 1
CUVID ?= 0
and may be
In Makefile parameters were VAAPI ?= 1 CUVID ?= 0, but LIBPLACEBO was set. So Now it builds if I clear LIBPLACEBO ?= 0.
-v vaapi
When I run vdr with softhdvaapi (module from vdr-plugin-softhdcuvid) the vdr starts normally, plugin gets loaded and then the plugin crashes: code=killed, status=6/ABRT, see syslog.
About softhdvaapi open new topic or write in softhdcuvid topic, otherwise no one will answer in this thread.
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