[resolved] Guide installation VDR in Ubuntu 13.10: Remote TV and control with tablet android (step by step)

  • I insert scermate,
    even if I lose more time.
    It has to be the best guide in the world! :) :)

    This is what the browser with:
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…um/vdr/localhost_3000.jpg]


    that is how androVDR
    in my tablet
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…orum/vdr/androVDR%201.jpg]

    a) with the button [...] ...
    -> Settings
    -> Enable forwarding
    -> Exit
    I choose -> Settings
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…orum/vdr/androVDR%203.jpg]

    b) active option: -> TRANSMISSION LIVE
    c) Transmission format:
    -> TS
    -> PES
    -> ES
    -> PS

    I leave: -> PES
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…orum/vdr/androVDR%202.jpg]

  • I'm sorry but you are not even trying to understand how it works!

    On top of the purple page there are some link ! So it is working!
    You should click them...

    For the AndroVDR deactive forwarding!
    I am sure you have not configured your tablet correct.
    Is the remote function working with the tablet?

    For your VDR Version 2.0.3 use "TS" for streaming


    Edited 2 times, last by DocViper ().

  • -in browser of tablet
    The tablet in the browser gives me the error:
    "can not find http://localhost:3000"

    -In AndroDVR
    I set "TS" for streaming.

    The version 1.5 is AndroVDR

    But in AndroVDR
    (not in the browser)
    button which launches streaming?
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46733398/ubuntu%20forum/vdr/androVDR%201.jpg]

    - in the browser to the server PC
    the channel link (http://localhost:3000/channels.html) works!
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46733398/ubuntu%20forum/vdr/browser%20canali.png]

    and PS link: http://localhost:3000/PS/channels.html
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46733398/ubuntu%20forum/vdr/browser%20PS.png]

  • I just tried to stream with AndroVDR and you have to select the Button [Channels]
    Then hold the finger on the channel for some seconds.
    On top a TV-Symbol appears. Select that and the select VLC Video Player.

    You will see the stream.


    Edited 3 times, last by DocViper ().

  • After some failed tests
    tablet with VLC for Android Beta ....
    (there are many similar, which is the best? )

    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46733398/ubuntu%20forum/vdr/tablet%20TV.jpg]

    :): D :): D :): D :): D :): D

    I put solved.

    To watch TV on a client PC with Ubuntu or Windows
    I also use VLC
    or a basic installation of the program?

    If the errors of the "M" are not important
    and do not create problems
    never mind.

    If you walk around here
    I offer you a slice of apple pie of Grace :)

    ciao Daniele

    :) e grazie ! :)

  • "To watch TV on a client PC with Ubuntu or Windows
    I also use VLC
    or a basic installation of the program? "

    Yes, use VLC > Media > Open network stream ...


    Code is of course the IP adress of your server

    Press "l" to show list of channels.

    :D Good night :D


  • when you want it
    Suggest me or correct the title of the thread
    written in better English.

    [resolved] Guide installation VDR in Ubuntu 13.10: Remote TV and control with tablet android (step by step)

    buona notteeee :sleep


    How do I set for example
    "<-" audio bass :sleep
    "->" audio high :wow
    to adjust the volume?

    in the mobile phone, there are no buttons:
    "vol +"

    PC keyboard:
    just a small example
    setting 'sound (the keys "<-" and "->")
    similar to AndroVDR.

    ciao Daniele

    "when you want it
    Suggest me or correct the title of the thread
    written in better English.

    [resolved] Guide installation VDR in Ubuntu 13.10: Remote TV and control with tablet android (step by step)"

  • Ciao Joe !!!
    :D Felice anno nuovo 2015 ! :D
    It 's been so long and I have told all my friends that I installed VDR with your help and I thank you so much more!

    I installed VDR with your help also in a second laptop
    and I wanted to use the second PC laptop as was done in this post if the tablet or smartphone.

    I wanted to know if you do not disturb
    how to configure the VDR, no TV card and always in the same house
    networked in wifi, with the first desktop PC (with IP:
    Or if you can suggest a guide very easy to fix this advanced? :wow

    On the second PC laptop this is the result of the command ifconfig:

    and browser on the second laptop, with gives me a screen like:
    [Blocked Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46733398/ubuntu%20forum/vdr/localhost_3000.jpg]

    ciao Daniele !!

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