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Replied to the thread vdr-plugin-mpv.PostYes that works perfectly TV shows this resolution for the HDMI Input selected !
--drm-mode=1920x1080@24 also if put into the .conf without --- -
Replied to the thread vdr-plugin-mpv.PostDoes the TV actually outputs @24 with --drm-mode=1920x1080@24? It's clear that the TV can do it, but does the video card output it? -
Replied to the thread vdr-plugin-mpv.PostAgreed, but there are properties as posted above.
- do we need property expansion for this ?
- Can you please help to integrate them into the .conf or profile or do we need a script (lua) ? -
Replied to the thread vdr-plugin-mpv.PostMost likely there is no such option, automatically adjust the output depending on the video. -
Reacted with to SurfaceCleanerZ’s post in the thread Tuner defekt?.Reaction (Post)Hi,
Einfach mal ohne Unicable testen an anderen Ausgang per Direktverkabelung...
MfG Stefan -
Replied to the thread ChatGPT.PostHier mal Geminis Antwort :
**Die einzige Zahl, die all diese Bedingungen erfüllt, ist:**
**Diese Zahl hat die besondere Eigenschaft,** dass nicht nur jede einzelne Ziffer von 1 bis 9 vorkommt, sondern auch jede Anfangssequenz von Ziffern durch die… -
Replied to the thread vdr-plugin-mpv.PostGut gemeint, aber das funkt nicht weil es bei VRR darum geht, dass das Display sich an die dynamischen Framerates der Grafik während eines Videogames anpasst. (Toggle use of Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), aka Freesync or Adaptive Sync on compatible systems… -
Replied to the thread vdr-plugin-mpv.PostVariable resfresh rates is what you want: 24fps instead of 25...
I think...
Resolution is another point... -
Replied to the thread Tuner defekt?.PostHi,
Einfach mal ohne Unicable testen an anderen Ausgang per Direktverkabelung...
MfG Stefan